home away from home

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I finally arrived at the college in Los Angeles, I looked for my dorm room after I finished with registration. It felt weird being here since I didn't know anyone but I knew friends would come in time, I just hope the fact that I was the niece of a famous singer didn't get out through this place but if I did I'm sure Uncle Andy would let me stay with him until I got a job and a place of my own which happened sooner than I thought because him trying to visit me while keeping his identity a secret didn't work well for him, so I informed my parents about me not staying on campus anymore.

I found myself sitting on the tour bus after trying to convince Uncle Andy that I was old enough to be left alone but he wouldn't let me so I packed my clothes and started traveling on the road with him. I had been sitting on my bed doing school work when he knocked on the door.

Andy: hey kiddo, are you hungry?

Kaia: yeah, what's for dinner?

Andy: the driver is pulling up to steakhouse right now if you want to come inside and eat.

Kaia: okay, I will be out shortly...

He shut the door and I submitted my school work and got dressed before I walked out of the room and followed him off the bus...

After dinner, I headed back to the bus and to my bed to watch a movie when I got a text message from Jaxx asking if I was still awake, I quickly text back explaining that I was and he started a video chat.

Kaia: hey you...

Jaxx: hey, how are things?

Kaia: been better...

Jaxx: uh oh, what happened?

Kaia: My Uncle got noticed while visiting me at the college so I had no choice but to move in with him and we're currently on his tour bus traveling to his shows.

Jaxx: sounds like you are having fun.

Kaia: so much fun...

We talked for several more hours but I fell asleep after laying back on my pillow because I woke up and seen a sweet text message from him that he sent after I fell asleep.

Sweet dreams beautiful...

I put my phone away and did the school work one of the college professors emailed me, it took almost three hours for me to finish but I got it done before dinner.

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