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Frantic footsteps were heard in the busy street of the Kingdom of Chantel. Rapid footsteps from a man followed by two horses that made the people make their way.

"Stop right there!" a knight shouted to make the man stop from running.

But he didn't stop. He continued running, holding a small bag full of tiny breads. He has to escape. He shouldn't be captured by the palace guards. Being captured will cause a lot of trouble for him and his family.

He took a left turn and he reached a high wall realizing he is now in one of the Lords' territory, a bit away from the city.
"Shit." He gritted his teeth.

He never paid attention to where he was going earlier. Instead of making his way to escape the guards, he literally made his way to a powerful man's territory. He saw a tree in front of him. He took a quick glance of the guards running after him and never saw them. He climbed up the tree and jumped inside the wall. Ah, his training was never going to a waste like he used to think.

He gripped the bag tightly. This should be safe. This will save lives for today. He ran for his life. He heard the sound of the gaits of horses from the other side of the wall. He passed through the large trees and vines. Ducking, crawling and jumping over the vines and logs all over the place. He needs a place to stop. He's getting out of breath and his limbs are too tired now. Right then, he saw a path where a light was coming from. That must be a way out. But he should be careful. He should not be seen by any person inside the palace or he will be punished. The cases would be pretty tough. He is a thief who stole several pieces of bread in the market and a burglar who entered the premises of the palace without permission.

He jumped over the last log and he removed the vines on his way. An open space. He took a rushed, big step but before he landed on his second step a sound of halted horse shocked him.

"Heeeeeyyyaaa!" says the man riding the horse.

He froze. He slowly takes a look at what is on his side. A horse. He lifted his gaze and he almost fainted.


"The ministers are asking if you want to have lunch with them..." his assistant said while they were going outside the mansion.

"Tell them I am not interested in their children."

"And the elites are asking if you have time to meet them."

"I don't." He halted his steps. "Can you tell them that I am not interested in any of their sons or daughters or whatever they are offering me?" He's on the edge.

He immediately jumped onto his horse. He just wants a breather. And riding a horse around the territory is what occupies him. He maneuvers the horse at full speed.

"Be careful please, my Lord! And be back before lunch!!!" his assistant shouted. "You have scheduled lunch with your brothers." He ended up whispering the last sentence because shouting will be no use as the man riding the horse is nowhere to be seen.

Lord Wichapas made the horse run at full speed. It is safe since he knows that no one is in this area of the territory. That is the reason why he always goes here whenever he wants to take a rest. His mind is occupied. He's been receiving invitations from a lot of people lately. It is because the time of choosing the next King is approaching and one of the qualifications is having a partner. He thinks it is crazy. Why does a King need a partner before being chosen? When he becomes King in the future, he will definitely remove this ordinance. But how can he be a King if he doesn't have a partner now? Ugh!

His heart almost jumped out of his chest when he saw a human appear in front of him from the forest. He quickly pulled the lead to stop the horse from running.

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