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And it was indeed a hard journey for Wichapas. A week after Build got discharged from the hospital, he stayed most of the time in the Puttha household. He always wanted to check how Build is doing and Build cannot sleep well without him. He already brought some of his paperworks there. Sometimes, Build just lays down the bed while he is working on his laptop. It's actually hard. His office is at home and most of his work is there. So he needs to travel back and forth to his house to finish them. But he can't let go of Build for so long. He still has difficulty breathing sometimes. Although the mood swings and tantrums always fall on him, he can't be away for too long or at least the whole night. The thought of being away from each other for a long time scares them both.

Sometimes, Wichapas has to come back to the Puttha household late. He checked his own household, checked on his brothers, attended business meetings and did all the pending jobs in his office. Tonight, it's already late but the lights are still on. He's wondering why the household is still awake when it's almost midnight. He thought of calling Build to open the door for him but it suddenly opened. Aunt Praya went out of the door, smiling.

"Good evening, my Lord." She bowed.

"Good evening, Auntie. Why are you still awake?" He felt sudden uneasiness. Something might have happened when he's away.

"I was waiting for you." She let Wichapas enter and followed him. "Have you eaten?"

Wichapas halted. Did she wait for him just to ask if he had already eaten? Actually, he ate nothing since lunch. He hasn't felt hungry until now that it was brought up.

"I haven't eaten yet."

"I'll prepare your food." she said.

He followed Aunt Praya to the dining room. He can't believe she waited for him to serve dinner.

"You shouldn't have waited for me. It's already late." He told her as he sat in the dining room.

Aunt Praya started bringing food to the table. He saw her place a plate on the head master's place.

"Don't worry. Your father just came home too. He just went upstairs to change and will be here soon to eat with you."

Wichapas became unsettled. First, he is not used to someone waiting for him at home when it's late. Commonly, the housemaids and the kids were already asleep when he got home at this hour and he instructed them not to wait for him when he was late. So, it's either Prem will get him food or he will never eat dinner. Second, he is still not used to being part of this family yet. It was all new to him. Having someone called father and elder brother hasn't sunk in yet. After all, Build and him were not yet married. And lastly, Build's father and him never had an alone moment ever. If the man goes back down for dinner now, this will be the very first time that they will be with each other alone. What should they talk about? Or, will they ever talk?

"Do you want anything else?" Aunt Praya asked him after placing all the food.

Wichapas shook his head with a smile. "Did Build eat dinner, Auntie?"

"Oh, that kid. Pregnancy is hitting him hard. He only ate a bowl of grapes for dinner." Aunt Praya shook his head worriedly. "By the way, he is sulking because you didn't get home early."

Wichapas scratched the back of his neck. He's calling Build earlier to tell him he'll be home late but he didn't pick up the call. He sent him a message but it was left on read.

Mr. Puttha entered the dining room wearing his sleepwear. He sat on his chair.

"When my wife was pregnant with him, I used to sleep on the couch most nights." He said, putting food on his plate.

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