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"So you pretended to be orphans and received a bag of treats from someone, is that what you were saying?" Wichapas massaged his temples as he talked with his brother in the living room of the mansion.

The kids refused to answer, feeling so guilty about the lies. They finally had the chance to tell their Hia what was happening to them. About the sneaking before lunch time and about the bag of treats they often have when home.

"So, who is he? Tell me who the person is, or maybe people, you deceived." He continued.

"Just one person." Tin said, voice quiet and low, staring at his hands that are fidgeting on his lap.

"Okay, so who?"

The twins looked at each other and Ta nodded as a sign that they should tell him. "It's P'Build."

Wichapas stopped. Build? Is it...

"Build? Sounds familiar to me." Prem commented. He was standing beside his master from the beginning of the conversation between the kids. He quickly scans and taps his tablet, obviously searching for the name.

"He is a nice man. He talks to us nicely." Ta said, eyes twinkling.

"Yes! He smiles brightly and he is very pretty." Tin said, giggling.

Wichapas smiles. Yes, he is really pretty. He shifted uncomfortably on his seat. What? Who is pretty? What was he thinking?

A little gasp can be heard from the side. "Build. I-It's Khun Jakapan. The youngest son of the Puttha household." Prem said without removing his eyes from the tablet.

"He's an elite son? Wow!" Tin said, clapping his hands.

"That's why their house is also big. Not as big as ours, though. But their food is great." Ta said.

"Wait. Hold on. You went to his house?" Wichapas looked at them with pure curiosity.

"Yes! He saw us today on the road. He pulled up and brought us to his house." Ta proudly answered.

"Didn't I say not to get into any car, not to talk to any people or not to receive anything from anyone?"

"Yes, we know. But he's P'Build. He's nice. And besides, he can't get out of the car to play with because he has a splint so we went with him instead." Ta crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"A splint?" Wichapas furrowed his eyebrows. So, the sprain got worse.

"Yes. He said he got into an accident and the doctor said he has to wear the splint to heal faster." Tin answered.

At the end of the day, the kids were spared. Wichapas couldn't find the heart to scold or punish the kids. It is very lucky for them to meet Build instead of anyone else. He was always soft with them. They are the only people that can make him feel that way. Or maybe not the last person to do so.

It's been a week since the kids visited the Puttha home. Build's dad knew he had visitors but never asked him. His dad stayed quiet about the sprain and his visitors. The home classes resumed but he never felt suffocated at all. Actually, today, his Dad allowed him to accompany Aunt Praya and one of the housemaids to the market. It felt nice to feel a little freedom again. He doesn't know what was going into his father's mind lately but he is happy. He didn't see the kids for a week. The splint was just removed yesterday. All he could do is to pray that the kids were eating enough. He was so happy to be allowed to the market today because he is planning to buy some treats and ask Aunt Praya for a short break to see the kids on the field. Hopefully, they are on the field today.

"Auntie, can I stop by the candy shop? I need to buy something."

"Candy shop? What are you? A kid?" Aunt Praya mocking him.

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