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Build is sitting in the lanai, thinking about the things that have happened. Since the day he met Lord Wichapas, his life changed for both good and bad. Good because he was able to meet his brothers thoroughly but the bad things that had happened can't be neglected. He's not blaming Lord Wichapas, of course. He was just amazed how "exciting" his life had been in the past few weeks. He was able to experience a lot and feel a lot. Somehow, he could say, his life is much more colorful than before.

He got out of his reverie when he heard a notification sound from his cellphone. He picked it up from the table. He opened a message from an unknown number greeting him with a simple "Good morning." Build creased his eyebrows. He didn't know who the sender was. Build doesn't reply to messages from unknown people. He was about to put down the phone when another notification came. It was from the same unknown number.

I forgot to ask for your number yesterday so I asked Prem. I hope you don't mind.

Build can't help but smile after realizing it was Lord Wichapas. He quickly typed on his cellphone for a reply.

You're using your connections to get my personal information, I see.

It was almost two minutes before he received a reply.

No. It's not like that.

Build laughed. He can imagine the stressed face of Lord Wichapas. He knows the man has been very careful about money and influences when it comes to him. He knows better than to disappoint him again.

"That's Lord Wichapas for sure."

Build looked up immediately after hearing his brother's voice. Than sat down beside him, putting the tea cup on the table. Build raised an eyebrow to his brother, questioning his statement.

"What? I am so sure that's him. You never smiled like that before. You even let him call you the nickname that only the family calls you. You really like him, don't you?"

It was a lot to take in but that's Thanachart Puttha right there. He was the most straight forward person Build had ever known. If his brother likes something, he'll go for it no matter what. But if he doesn't, you'll never make him say yes at all. There is one thing that Build adores his brother a lot. Than thinks a lot before he decides. He always takes everything into consideration before making a decision. And by admitting that he forgot about Build when he made a decision of pursuing his dreams means he never neglected Build at all. He was wrong about leaving his brother but Build doesn't mind at all. Build wants what's the best for his brother. And besides, he learned to love the life he had after his brother left. To be honest, he was thinking that maybe this is the life he has to live after all.

Build smiled and glanced at his cellphone, staring at the message sent by the man on the other line. "What do you think about this, Phi? Do you think this is right?"

"I can't say anything about that. It's about you and him. Both of you should figure it out." Than sipped from his tea cup.

"But...." Build placed down the cellphone before looking at the big tree in the middle of the backyard.

"Of course you will have doubts. He's a Lord after all. Rushing relationships and marriage is a common mindset for everybody when it comes to the Lords and accepting marriages is a common deed for elites. It was a tradition."

Build smiled a little. His brother knows his worries very well.

"But not all bindings are made just to comply with requirements. Some may be blinded by the necessity of the royal position but end up caring for each other in the end. And some have genuine feelings to start with. The achievements that follow happen to be just lagniappe."

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