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"Do you think he will come?" Tin asked.

Build heard the tiny voices not so little far from them.

"I hope so. I gave him my invitation so I think he will come." Ta said.

He roamed his eyes and searched for the tiny bodies despite the crowded place. The place reeks of some smell that he cannot understand. Stinky. Parents and other guardians pass by him, excited for the activities for the day. If Wichapas isn't busy, he would have experienced this with the kids.

"Parents and guardians, please go to the homeroom teachers of your kids and register your name so we can start the activities."

Build hurried. He needs to find the kids to know where the kids are so he can sign the registration. He excused himself to the crowded area as he passed by. Few people passed by and he saw the two little gremlins talking to a teacher.

"Kids, where is your guardian? They need to sign here."

The kids were about to speak but Build cut them out. He can't afford to hear that they are with no one today. It hurts him just by thinking.

"I'm here." he said.

They all perked up when they heard his voice.

"Where should I sign?" Build went to the teacher.

"Please write your name beside any of their names and then your signature."

Build did as he was told. He signed beside Ta's name and drew an arrow to Tin's name to indicate that he was there for the two. The teacher left after that, thinking that he should find the other guardian for registration under Tin's name.

"P'Build!" The kids threw their grabby hands.

Build laughed and crouched down, giving the kids a tight hug. He looked down and tied Ta's shoelace. The kid smiled at him.

"P'Than is at the bench. He'll watch us play today." Build pointed to the man sitting in one of the benches, waving his hand. The kids waved at him, smiling widely. "Come on. Let's go to your area."

"Wait! We are still waiting for someone." Tin held his hand tightly.

Build looked at him. Seeing him this close, Build saw how messy his tuck is. He started fixing the kid's shirt.

"Who dressed you up today?" He asked, slightly laughing.

"Just me. We dressed ourselves today. We're big boys now." Tin proudly said.

Build smiled at him again. Then he looked at Ta.

"My tuck is nice and neat. Look." Ta turned around to make Build see.

"But your shoelace is not." He started tying the shoelace.

"Because I don't know how to do it." Ta sounds like complaining.

Build was about to speak again when they all heard a voice calling his name.


Build froze. Why is he here? I thought he's busy? Why...

"It's you." He felt a man standing beside him and Build immediately stood up.

There was a long silence between them. Build looking into nowhere while Wichapas is busy scanning his facial features, the sight he misses the most. The silence was disturbed by a loud whistle, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Come on! Let's go! It's going to start." Ta said and grabbed Build's hand and ran away. Tin did the same with Wichapas.

They are now in their area. They stand in the middle of the heat. It looks like the others are fine with the weather but it's too hot for Build. The area is so crowded and too stinky for him as well. People kept bumping into him and he's starting to have a headache. Wichapas is standing beside the rope barricade, Build is on the side where others are lined up too while the kids stood in front of them. Build frowns. He started to become irritated and feel uncomfortable with the skin contacts and the stinky smell. Wichapas saw it so he went near him and smoothly changed their position. Wichapas held the rope from. Him back to steady himself, half-hugging Build.

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