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(Trigger warning: Attempted rape/ physical abuse/ gun)

A call was made from the guard house in the front gate. 

“The head housemaid of the Puttha family is requesting to enter the premises.” Prem said, phone situated on his left ear.

Wichapas looked up from his computer. A knot was formed in his stomach while thinking what could be the reason for her to come this late. “Let her in.” And he stood up and went out of his home office.

Prem instructed the guards to open the gates while walking behind his master. It was already eight in the evening and it is very weird to know that she is here.

The moment they got into the foyer, a black sedan stopped in the driveway. Aunt Praya stepped out quickly, face looked worried and frightened. She paid respect to the man in front of him.

"Good evening, Lord Wichapas. I deeply apologize for coming without prior notice.” She plays with her fingers, which made Wichapas more anxious.

“It is a surprise to see you this evening. What brought you here?” Wichapas is fighting his thoughts and remains calm.

“I came here because I want to check if Bui–” she trailed off. “If Jakapan is here. This is the only place I know he would go to.”

Wichapas’ worry grew more. “I was home all day and Jakapan has never been here. What is going on?”

Aunt Praya’s face became pale. Her last thread of hope faded away and tears began to form in her eyes. “Oh God!”

Wichapas stepped closer to her and held her right arm. “What is going on?”

“He went to the warehouse early this morning to fix a problem because his father is not yet home.The driver was sick so he drove alone. But he’s not home yet. The warehouse staff said he left around four in the afternoon. I tried calling his cellphone but it was turned off. I tried thinking that he might be off somewhere else. It’s been hours and we haven’t talked to him yet so I decided to look for him here just in case.” her voice shakes a lot. She made deep breaths during her statement.

Wichapas’ body went numb. He can’t display any sign of reaction after he hears everything. He’s late. Somebody made a move already.

“You need to go home. Please do not let anybody come to your house. Prem, send people to guard their home.” Wichapas was about to go back upstairs when Aunt Praya held his hand. He felt her cold palms.

“Please find him.” She helplessly said.

“I’ll bring him back.” Wichapas assured.

Wichapas grew restless all night. He went to the warehouse where Build was but it was closed. The road is clear of anything suspicious. Maybe Build went somewhere else. He went back home feeling frustrated. He wants to do something. He needs to do something before he is too late. He instructed Prem to tell all his people to find Build. But not because he has someone else looking for him means there is nothing he would do.

Build’s father is not home so no one could look for him. Finding him will be hard when he doesn't know where to start. He doesn’t know if their family has enemies. He doesn’t know about their business. He knows nothing.

Wichapas stopped. All he could think of is Build and the only possible person that could do this. Lord Arphus.

Wichapas stormed out of his bedroom once again. Wearing his leather jacket and a face that everybody knows not to mess with. He was about to reach the stairs when he saw the door from the kids bedroom open. Ta went out of the room, half asleep. But he perked up when he saw his brother and ran to him. He raised his eyebrows when he saw his brother’s clothes.

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