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(Correction: I wrote Build's brother's name wrong before. In the other chapter I wrote "P'Ton" but it's actually "P'Than". I apologize. But let's meet P'Than on this chapter. ^.^ )

It was a sunny afternoon when Lord Wichapas left the police station, the day after Build's father arrived. After the questioning needed for the investigation, he was able to leave the premises. But he's not alone. Lord Arphus and him were called for a statement regarding the kidnapping. After several hours of questioning, they were allowed to leave. They stood side by side in front of the building, waiting for their cars to arrive. They never shared a conversation or even took glances from each other. When Lord Wichapas' car halted in front of them, the owner stepped forward to get in but he halted when Lord Arphus spoke.

"I want him. I will get him." Lord Arphus breathed deeply. "I am telling you this so you would know where to place yourself. He'll be mine."

Lord Wichapas didn't answer. He clenched his fist tight to suppress the feeling of anger building up inside him.

Build woke up from his nap the same afternoon. His body is still sore but better than yesterday. He went out of the room aiming to go to the kitchen for a snack but he heard some voices from the living room. Curiosity wins, he stepped into the living room.

"There he is." Aunt Praya said while smiling.

The guest stood up and faced him. He didn't know the reason why, but he automatically smiled after seeing the man.

"Lord Wichapas." he bowed, a smile never leaving his face.

"How are you feeling?" Lord Wichapas asked, with a calm face.

"Good. I just got up from a nap. Have you been here for a long time? Aunt Praya, you should've woke me up." Build went near them.

"He doesn't want to wake you up." Aunt Praya said.

"I'll never stay longer anyways. I just came to give you these. You left your medicines last night." Lord Wichapas handed him a paper bag.

"You don't have to do this." Build accepted the paper bag before handing it to Aunt Praya.

"I was about to bring that to you earlier this morning but the police called me for some questioning. Sorry, I came late."

Build smile slowly faded. Guilt started to be evident on his face. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to disturb you with all of this."

"No, it's not like that." Lord Wichapas tried to comfort him but he couldn't find the right words. He doesn't mind being questioned multiple times if it will help the investigation for Build's case.

"Why don't you stay for a while, Lord Wichapas? I baked some cookies for Build. I want you to try them too." Aunt Praya said.

"Yes. Uhmmm.. We don't have a big garden like yours so we can't have a walk but we do have a lanai. Would you like to sit with me while waiting for the cookies?" Build smiled once again, the one that Wichapas would really find hard to refuse.

They sat in the lanai, waiting for the cookies. There is a wide backyard covered with grass, a tree in the middle.

"This was once a garden. My mother's garden. But when she passed away, the plants started to die as well." Build started the conversation, looking outside with longing. "But, that tree stayed. We didn't have the heart to cut it down when Dad decided to clean the garden. It's my mom's tree. She once said that we can make it a shelter whenever we want to play outside."

"It's beautiful." Wichapas commented.

The tree stands big and proud in the middle, with lush leaves and a big trunk. It gives a great amount of shelter.

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