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Build went upstairs. Prem is now carrying his suitcase because it's too heavy to be carried by a pregnant person. His duffle bag was carried by a housemaid and his backpack is on Wichapas' shoulder. Prem went directly to Wichapas' room but Build halted him.

"Prem. I'll be staying here." Build said, pointing to the guest room next to Wichapas' room where he stayed when he was rescued before.

Wichapas looked at him. "What? Why here?"

Build acted like Wichapas is not there. He opened the door and motioned the housemaid to place his bag inside. The woman followed his order and left them.

"Love, you can stay in my room." Wichapas went near him.

"Prem, bring my suitcase here." Build looked at Prem, the man looking back at him.

"No. Prem, he'll be staying in my room." Wichapas pointed to his door, motioning Prem to put the suitcase there.

"I'll be staying in whichever room I want." Build raised an eyebrow to Prem. "Prem, give me my suitcase."

"What's the point of moving in with me if you're not staying in my room?" Wichapas' frown deepened. "Prem, bring the suitcase inside my closet."

"Prem, that is my suitcase so follow me." Build crossed his arms to his chest.

Prem sighed. He rolled the suitcase in between them before bowing his head. "I guess it's better if you both figure out the situation. Excuse me." Then he left.

Build glared at Wichapas. He grabbed the handle of the suitcase but Wichapas grabbed it as well.

"Let go." Build snarled.

"No. Get settled in my room." Wichapas answered.

"No!" Build shouted.

"I said stay in my room!" Wichapas shouted back.

Build's eyes widened. Suddenly, tears started to pool in his eyes.

"D-Did you... Did you just shout at me?" He asked, lips quivering.

Wichapas closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying his best to calm down.

"I'm sorry, love. It's just...You shouted at me first. I got carried away." Wichapas held his hand, letting go of the suitcase. "Please, stay in my room."

Build pout, eyes still pooled with tears. Wichapas' heart started swelling and he had the urge to smooch Build. But he was shocked when Build kicked the suitcase and it landed on his foot. Upon hearing the loud thud, Build ran inside the guest room. Before he closed the door, he looked back at Wichapas. The man is seated on the floor, holding his left foot, crying in pain.

Build felt the guilt. He bit his lower lip, contemplating whether to help Wichapas or not. But his ego won. He slammed the door shut.

Wichapas stood up, scratching his nape. Build didn't buy his act. He should practice more so he will be believable next time.

A series of knocks was heard from the door. Build frowned, covering his head with the blanket. Wichapas kept knocking on his locked door, begging to let him in. But Build didn't budge. Wichapas will just tell him to stay in his room. But no, he won't give in. The reason why he doesn't want to is because..... nothing. He just doesn't want to.

"Khun, your father and your brother are downstairs. They are looking for you."

Build perked up hearing Dao's voice. He immediately stood up and opened the door.

"Where are they?" he asked, excited. He'll tell his brother and his father how annoyed he is with Wichapas. They will definitely side with him for sure.

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