Chapter 1 - pink eyes

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Present time

It was 9am when Bonten members surrounded quietly a mansion of a very rich man Mr Goro "We're in" a certain purple and blue haired man with purple eyes said into his phone as his older brother with purple and black hair and the same purple eyes broke down another door, "alright we're on our way" a voice on the other side of the phone said before the call ends "oi aniki you found anything?" The younger brother asked walking towards the room with the broken door "of course Rindou, I'm amazing, I've successfully found a safe" the older said flexing "so we'll take it downstairs?" Rindou asked "yeah" Ran said lifting the safe "let's go".

Three men sat in a black bullet proof car, two with silver hair and the other with black hair, "they've successfully taken control of the building boss" the one with black hair said as he looked through the mirror to see his boss  looking out the window, "have they found anything yet Kakucho?" the long silver haired said with his hands in his red Chinese style coat, "maybe" Kakucho answered.

They arrived at the mansion in minutes, Kakucho opened the car door for his boss, he got out and entered the building through the back door as the two men follow him, as they enter they began to hear plates falling in the kitchen, they quickly got out their guns and creeped slowly into the kitchen, pointing their guns at the next living thing which happened to be a pink eyed dusty blonde girl.

"Oh? Visitors? I wasn't informed" She asked dropping the tray of freshly made cookies and dorayaki on the counter, she walked over to them dressed in a traditional blue kimono, and kneelt down bowing her head to the floor "welcome to the Goro mansion sirs" she greeted respectfully slowly looking up, she looked exhausted with eye bags almost as bad as the short silver haired male's, the three of them looked at her in uttter confusion, then it hit the short silver haired male, he remembered who she was as his eyes widen a bit in surprise what are the odds "there's no need to bow" Kakucho said looking confused, she looked tired but she was beautiful, "would you like me to help with anything sirs is there a problem with the front door?" she asked standing up.

"Well a bit" Kokonoi dryly chuckled "That" the boss said pointing to the tray of cookies, "oh of course please come with me" she said guiding them to the dining room, they followed her and sat down, she then quickly went back to the kitchen and brought three servings of cookies and dorayaki with some wine and served them "boss what are we doing?" The other silver head whispered to the boss "Kokonoi don't question the boss" Kakucho said whisper shouting as Kokonoi slouched back into his chair almost pouting, "I hope everything is to your liking" the girl said bowing slightly.

The boss took one cookie into his mouth as his eyes widened, "it's the same" he murmured under his breath for only him to hear, the others begin to eat as well "this is delicious I don't even think my five star chefs can prepare something like this" Kokonoi said chewing "woah this is good how did you-" Kakucho said turning around before stopping he looked over to the girl who had tears running down her cheeks "why are you crying?!" Kakucho nearly panicked standing up "my apologies I'm just so glad you like them" she said as her eyes sparkled and a smile formed on her face, the tree men just looked at her dumbfounded did their opinion really matter?

"hey what's going on in here!" A loud voice called out as a pink mullet haired man with two scars on the sides of his mouth came stomping into the kitchen.

"Who's this bitch and how come we didn't see you when we raided the house?!" The pink haired asked pointing his gun to the girl "Sanzu" Kakucho said making the pink haired turn his head to face the other males, his eyes widen upon seeing his boss, at the same time girl got on her knees in front of Sanzu and bows her hands pressing down as her forehead almost touch the floor "I apologize for my actions, I had no intention to displease you, although you can punish me as you see fit" she said not moving from the position, "what the hell are you doing?" Sanzu said confused as he looks to the other males for an explanation but got nothing, the room fell silent as the girl remained in her position.

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