Chapter 26 - demand

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"come with me" Lee ordered as he entered Ino's room, "where are we going?" She questioned, "you're going to talk to Bonten" he explained, "really are you serious" she said sprinting for the door, he nodded and they both walked to the meeting room where Mr Roku, Abi and Yuro were sitted.

"Hey I wanna apologize for last night" Abi said nervously as Ino sat across from him but she just ignored him, "alright call them" Mr Roku said as he handed his tablet to Lee who dialed Mikey's number.

"Are you ready to go?" Mochi asked Takeomi, "yeah were going out now" Takeomi said lifting his bags, "remember-" Mikey started before getting cut off by his phone ringing, "Mr Roku? What does he want? And on a video call too" Kakucho asked when he peeked at his phone, "maybe it has something to do with Ino" Rindou said, Mikey picked the call.

"What do you want?" Mikey asked coldly as he answered the call.
"I thought you would like to see Ino" Lee said boredly as the rest of the Bonten executives crowded around Mikey to see his screen
"Where is she you fuckers?" Sanzu asked from behind Mikey
"Guys" Ino said excitedly once the tablet was handed to her
"Ino my darling how are you?" Ran asked worriedly as he pushed Rindou out of the way
"I'm surviving" she smiled softly
"What happened to your hair?" Kokonoi asked
"I cut it" she said guilty
"Why? your hair was so pretty" Rindou said pushing his brother away
"That's what I told her" Abi said from behind Ino
"Shut up" both Ino and the Bonten executives said in unison
"Jeez I'm going" Abi said walking away
"Have you been eating and sleeping well?" Kakucho asked
"I could be asking all of you the same question especially you Mikey" Ino said sadly
"Don't worry we'll get you out of there I assure you" Mikey said to reassure her
"I know and I'm waiting" she smiled at them
"Alright take her away" Mr Roku ordered as he collected the tablet
"No let me go" she struggled as Abi dragged her away
"I swear I'll kill you" Mikey said in a cold monotone
"I'll send you a location and our list of demands be there by 12 tomorrow" Mr Roku said before cutting the call.

"Nobody move we'll all travel together once he drops the location" Mikey said switching of his phone, "did you see Ino she looked so malnutrished" Kokonoi sighed, "she was already battling with insomnia and eating, this isn't making matters better" Ran said, "we'll get her back guys, just stay calm" Takeomi said lighting a cigarette, "I am calm!" Sanzu yelled, "if that's calm, I don't want to see anxious" Rindou said as everyone laughed, "shut up!" Sanzu yelled at everyone except Mikey who was still staring at his phone screen.

Abi forcefully dragged Ino to her room kicking and screaming, "stop resisting" Abi said throwing her on the bed, "I hate you, I hate you Abi Manev!" Ino screamed at him with tears coming down her cheeks, "what exactly did I do for you to hate me? I already apologized for last night" Abi said frustrated, "you think that's enough? I will never forgive you" Ino scoffed, "Abi time to head out" Lee announced, "right" Abi walked out of the room with Lee.

"We're all going to the Philippines" Mikey announced, "so we were right" Kokonoi said, "what about their demands?" Mochi questioned, "they won't need anything when they're dead" Mikey said coldly, "that's right we'll kill each and everyone of them" Sanzu smiled, "alright let's go then we have a princess to rescue" Ran rushed.

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