Chapter 10 - little secretary

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Ino woke up from her sleep and sat up, she stretched and looked around, 'huh this isn't my room' she thought to herself when the sight of a familiar pink shade caught her eyes before she locked eyes with ocean blue ones "morning sunshine did you sleep well?" Sanzu asked in his deep morning voice sitting up, "good morning Mr Sanzu" Ino said as she tried to get out of the bed, but Sanzu dragged her back in.

"Don't tell me you are to shy to spend a little more time in my bed? Relax nothings going to happen it's just you and me" Sanzu said seductively as he wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his embrace, "let's just stay like this for a little while" he whispered into her ear as they both began to melt in each other's embrace as Sanzu began to play with her hair, "did you sleep well?" He asked, "yes Mr Sanzu" Ino answered, she was actually blushing up to her ears and Sanzu couldn't help but internally laugh at her cute jestures 'so cute' he unconsciously began to rub her pink ears before placing small kisses on them "adorable" he said hugging her more tightly.

"Sanzu you bastard!!!" Rindou bursted through the door walking towards the two on the bed "Rindou get the fuck out of here!!!" Sanzu shouted, "gladly, just as soon as you hand her over" Rindou said pointing to Ino who was scared "never!!!" Sanzu shouted throwing her over his shoulders and running away, "get back here you dumbass!!!" Rindou shouted chasing after him, "what's going on?" Kokonoi said peeking out of his room "Koko help me, that idiot won't hand over Ino even though it's my turn!!!" Rindou said running after Sanzu passed him.

After a while Kokonoi, Ran and Rindou were all chasing after Sanzu who was practically playing keep away with Ino.
Sanzu quickly climbed the center table keeping Ino on his shoulder as he fought and avoided the others, "sir I don't think this is safe" Ino said scared as she gripped onto him harder, "don't worry I'll protect you" Sanzu said confidently, "Sanzu stop this nonsense" Kokonoi said annoyed.

Kakucho, Takeomi, Mochi and Mikey all came into the living room because of the noise to see what was happening "what's going on?" Mikey asked raising a brow, "boss, Sanzu won't hand over Ino even though today is my day" Rindou complained, "Ino isn't some play thing you all should be thrashing around" Takeomi said after noticing the slight discomfort the girl was in, "Sanzu that's dangerous get down from there before you drop her or fall" Kakucho said walking towards them.

"Don't worry nothings gonna to happen to her" Sanzu said before jumping from the table to a chair but unfortunately his foot slipped and he dropped Ino who landed roughly on the floor, "Ino!!!" Ran and Kakucho called out before they all rushed towards her, "are you alright?" Ran asked picking her up, "I'm fine sir it was just a little fall" she responded holding onto Ran, "did you break anything should I call the doctor?" Kokonoi asked concerned, "yes I'm fine" she responded flashing a smile, "are you sure?" Kakucho inquired checking her "Sanzu!" Mikey said angrily grabbing Sanzu by the collar "I'm sorry boss" he apologized quickly.

"You're sorry? What would have happened if she got seriously injured huh? Do you think a 'sorry' would fix it" Mikey asked raising his fist, Sanzu closed his eyes and braced for the impact but nothing happened, "Mikey please he didn't mean it and I'm fine" Ino said holding onto Mikey's arm, everyone was shocked no one ever stopped Mikey from hitting someone especially if he was angry but there she was, "fine" Mikey said letting go of Sanzu.

"Instead I'll switch the day assigned for you to look after Ino with that of Ran, meaning you are now the last that should be sufficient punishment for your carelessness" Mikey said to Sanzu who's eyes widened, Ran could be seen smiling ear to ear at behind Mikey since he was now the third, "are you sure you're alright?" Mikey asked Ino as he gently checked her, "yes I'm alright" she said softly, "alright then go get ready for the day" he said pecking her cheek and leaving.

Ino cupped her cheeks in order to cover her blush after Mikey's action 'so cute' the rest of the executives thought to themselves as they watched her blushed expression, "c'mon Ino let's go get ready" Rindou said taking her hand, he placed a soft kiss on it to intentionally spite Sanzu "shall we?" He asked softly before leaving with her.

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