chapter 60 - clean up

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When Mikey finally calmed down he looked up to see Ino smiling warmly at him, "do you feel better? Your such an ugly crier" she joked while cleaning his tears, "I'm sorry" was the only thing he could manage to say, Ino kissed his swollen eyes gently "you don't have to apologize for anything okay, I'm just glad you're here" she whispered gently before hugging him again.

The two clung to each other tightly and laid down slowly, "I'm really sorry for putting you in through all this" he apologized sincerely, "it's okay Mikey, you were going through alot, we all have our highs and lows, but promise me you won't ever try to take your life again, instead come talk to me okay, because I'd be really hurt if anything ever happened to you" she said, "I promise" he nodded, the two looked at each other fondly, slowly leaning closer until their lips met in a tender kiss.

Mikey wrapped his arms around Ino drawing her body closer, Ino returned the jesture and hugged him tightly, emotions flared as their bodies pressed against each other passionately, the world seemed to stop for a moment until they slowly broke apart and looked at each other, "I love you" Mikey whispered as he kissed her forehead "I love you too" she whispered back as they hugged.

Kokonoi stood outside the door satisfied, 'at least he apologized' he thought as he walked away with the bag of takeout in his hand, he handed the bag over to a nurse and told her to deliver it, he left the building and entered his car, he texted Ino telling her he was leaving before starting the engine and headed home.

As much he was pleased that Ino and Mikey were back on talking terms he was still kinda pissed at the time he chose to do so, he was planning on staying the night by his woman... wait his woman? When did he get so possessive? He could only chuckle to himself as he got down from his car.

After that night Mikey refused to be anywhere without Ino, he was practically staying in her room, "good evening" Mochi greeted as he entered the room, where Ino and Mikey were playing a board game to pass the time, "good evening" Ino greeted, "evening" Mikey said with less effort, "how are you guys doing?" Mochi asked, "really good, it's been almost two months, I'm sure we'll soon be discharged" Ino said enthusiastically, "I see, well that's good" Mochi nodded and dropped a fruit basket in front of them.

The two patients started eating th fruits while conversing with Mochi, "I hope everyone is taking care at home?" Ino questioned "things are a bit busy but everyone is doing well, and we're happy to see you two recovering and on good terms" Mochi said, "it's not a big deal" Mikey dismissed the statement to which Ino laughed.

"Mr Sano it's time for your appointment" a nurse said from the door, Mikey has been going through some PT to get back to top form after the severity of his injuries, "I'm coming" Mikey said before leaving, "stay safe, see you" Ino said waving him off.

When Mikey was out of sight Ino turned to look at Mochi "I have a question" she said, "yeah what's up?" He asked, "do you have a girlfriend?" She questioned "wha- how did you know?!" He gasped, Ino laghed at his reaction "I might have overheard one of your conversations" she said, "oh, that's embarrassing, I was hoping to introduce her to everyone one of these days" he said, "don't worry I won't tell anyone" she promised, "thanks" he nodded.

At the end of that month both Mikey and Ino were discharged from the hospital since they were well enough to go home, "I'm so excited" Ino said as she put on her coat, "I can see that" Mikey chuckled as he watched her run around to gather her things, "aren't you? It's been two months, I can't wait to get back home" she smiled.

"Are you ready to go?" Mochi questioned as he entered the room, "yes" Ino nodded excitedly, "you'll be driving?" Mikey questioned, "yeah" Mochi nodded, "let's go let's go!" Ino said excitedly running out the door with Mikey and Mochi casually following behind.

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