Chapter 33 - small world, 2 kisses

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"And that's what happened" Ino sighed, Mikey sat silently and listened to the whole story attentively, "I just have one question" Mikey finally spoke up, "what's that?" She asked, "that day when we first met, under the rain, you had such bright eyes, but you were going through alot, how was that possible?" he asked gently cupping her cheek as she leaned into his touch, "it was by chance, that was the day I found out my Gran regained consciousness so I was through the roof" she explained.

"So you didn't care about me?" Mikey pouted, "I was wondering why you sat in the rain, it was just curiousity at the time" she smiled, "curiosity was what led you here" Mikey said as he leaned in closer, "I wonder where else curiosity will take me" she said softly, "who knows?" He breathed out as their faces were inches apart.

Ino decided not to run she looked Mikey in his obsidian eyes, after all there was nothing more to hide he knew all her secrets, "may I?" Mikey asked almost in a whisper, she contemplated a bit but then nodded slowly as she gently pressed her lips against his own, Mikey was taken aback for a few seconds but returned the kiss with more passion, he had definitely been waiting for this moment, he wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around his neck before as the kiss deepened with untold emotions.

They broke the kiss for air as they stared each other in the eyes, "that was amazing" Mikey whispered for her to hear, "just shush for a minute" Ino said as she turned bright red, 'oh my gosh I just kissed Mikey!' she thought to herself, "what are you thinking about? Was the kiss that good?" Mikey teased, "Mikey stop talking" she covered her face with her hands.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Ino it's time for your checkup" Omitsu announced from the door before going back down, "we're coming!" Ino called out, "c'mon let's go" she said to Mikey who was looking at her as if she hung the stars in the sky, "why are you looking at me like that?" She asked flustered "you just look too beautiful" he complimented, "I'm going inside" she walked away out of embarrassment, "wait for me" he chuckled walking after her.

"All your tests came out positive, so you can go home tomorrow, congratulations" Omitsu said happily, "yay thank you" Ino celebrated hugging her as Mikey watched them from the door, "maybe one of these days we should go out on the town to celebrate sometime" Omitsu suggested, "sounds good can't wait" Ino smiled, "excuse me doctor someone's here to see you" a nurse said to Omitsu, "alright then I'll see you" Omitsu said before leaving, "bye" Ino waved her off.

"Seems you guys are close" Mikey said as he sat on her bed, "Omitsu's really cool and nice" Ino smiled, "I'll spend the night here and we can go home together in the morning" Mikey said playing with her hair, "I missed being at home" she smiled, "I miss having you there too" he replied.

The next day came and Ino got dressed super early, she couldn't contain her excitement, "I'll call the driver over" Mikey said as he watched her check her outfit in the mirror, I'll go say bye to Omitsu" she said leaving the room.

"Sorry" she apologized when she bumped into someone, "is this how we're going to keep meeting?" a familiar voice asked, "Yuro" Ino said shocked, "the one and only" he smirked, "so you came back to Japan, but quick question, did you know I was being drugged?" She questioned, "you were being drugged? I had no idea, it was probably Abi's way of wanting to control you, I'm sorry" he answered truthfully.

"It's alright but what are you doing here?" she inquired, "what are you doing over here?" Omitsu asked with folded arms, "you know him?" The two ladies asked each other in unison, "he's my brother" Omitsu explained, "brother? You two are related, no wonder you were really good with first aid" Ino facepalmed, "what about you how do you know him?" Omitsu asked, "we met in the Philippines" he answered.

"Yeah he really helped me out, I'll tell you about it later" Ino said, "honestly didn't think I'd see him again" she added, "small world isn't it?" Yuro chuckled "Ino it's time to go" Mikey called out, "I'll be on my way take care" Ino said running off to meet Mikey.

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