Chapter 27 - a murder with no regrets

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Ino was sitted in a car between Yuro and Abi, they were currently being driven to the location they gave to Bonten, "you must be really excited huh?" Abi said breaking the deafening silence, "I'd be really excited to go anywhere without you" Ino said happily, "that's a bit harsh" Abi pouted.

They arrived at an old rundown warehouse as three other cars pulled up, "follow me" Abi said to Ino who did so without protest, the warehouse was currently being surrounded by their men while Abi was taking Ino to an empty room in the back, "you seem really happy" Abi said as they entered the room, "can you blame me? Anyway I have something to ask you?" Ino said sitting on a table, "oh, and what is that?" He asked.

"You said my father is alive" she stated, "oh yes your father, he's very much alive and doing well, infact he's a very successful business man in France" Abi revealed, "France?" She repeated confused "yes France, you're half French half Japanese, I'll take you there to see him one of these days, I'm sure he'd be happy to see his first born daughter" Abi smiled.

"Take me? Oh no, I'm not ever going anywhere with you, today will be the last day I see your face after Mikey and the others come for me" Ino said furrowing her brows, "oh, I think you misunderstood, the only reason I brought you here is to show you the dead bodies of the executives you love so much, I'm going to kill all of them so you can remain with me forever, sounds good right?" Abi revealed as he watched Ino's face twist into that of terror.

"I swear if you touch them I'll kill you, I'm not joking" she said in a low tone, "it's alright, don't worry your pretty little head about anything" Abi said before leaving and locking the door behind it, "dammit! That bastard!" Ino cursed out as she jumped to her feet, "I need to get out of here quick" she said looking around.

"Are the preparations ready?" Mikey asked Takeomi who was driving the car, "yes everyone are on their way and have taken their places" Takeomi nodded eyes still firmly on the road, "Sanzu make sure you stay out of sight until the first shot is fired" Mikey said to Sanzu who was still loading his gun in the front, "yes boss" he nodded.

"So our job is to get Ino out of there safe and sound?" Mochi confirmed, "yeah that's it" Kakucho said starting the stopping the car "it's up to the Haitanis to capture their boss" Kokonoi said switching of his phone "make sure to cover each other" Kakucho said getting out of the car.

"Look Bonten's here" Abi said as a car parked in front of the warehouse, "welcome" He greeted as only Mikey and Takeomi came out of the car, Sanzu already got down a while back he was heading in undetected through the back, "where's Ino? Mikey asked, "she's inside why don't we all go inside" Abi replied with a sinister smile, both Takeomi and Mikey followed in after him, but as soon as they stepped inside guns were pointed to them from all angles as Abi broke out in a maniacal laugh.

"Did you really think you were leaving here alive? I hope not, don't worry about Ino, I'll take good care of her" Abi said pointing his gun to Mikey's head, "drop your guns men, go outside and keep an eye out for the other executives I'm sure they have some sort of plan, keep your eyes sharp" Abi ordered as the men trouped out, leaving Mikey at gun point, "you better not move Akashi or your boss here is as good as dead" Abi threatened when Takeomi tried to bring out his gun.

Ino pulled out a sharp metal rod from the pile of abandoned materials, it was sharp and long enough to be a spear, 'I'm coming guys' she said inwardly as she managed to forced the window open carefully and quietly, she jumped with the rod still in her hand, "that was really impressive" a familiar voice said to her.

Ino turned around to see a familiar ravenette smoking against the wall, "you know I'm really starting to hate you Yuro" Ino sighed as she quickly pointed the rod to his throat, "woah easy, I'm not here to stop you this time" Yuro said raising his hands in surrender, "then what do you want?" She questioned, "I'm here to say bye, I've made enough money so I'm going now, it doesn't take a genius to realize this place is going to turn into a blood bath" he explained as Ino lowered her rod, "well bye then" she said nonchalantly, "I could drop you miles off, where they won't find you until after this is over" he offered putting his hands in his pockets.

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