Chapter 42 - Caribbean arc (settled)

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Ino sat silently in Mochi's car, he quickly drove back to the house, "how about we go inside" he said when he parked, "right let's go" she sighed and got down from the car, "Mochi what is Mikey going to do to them?" Ino questioned when he closed the door behind them.

Mochi looked away, what could he say? Mikey was especially brutal, "it doesn't matter you should get changed and rest" that's not what she wanted to hear, "Mochi please what is he going to do?" she asked again, "the truth is I'm not really sure, but judging by his expression and the fact that they actively ignored his warning doesn't put them in a good position" he explained, Ino looked down "is it my fault?" She asked, "no of course not it was all on them, they chose to do that don't blame yourself" Mochi said pulling her into a hug.

When Ino relaxed and plopped down on the couch, "aren't you going to change?" Mochi questioned, "I want to wait for them" Ino said determined, "are you sure?" He asked, "yes, I'm sure" she nodded, Mochi sighed and put his coat over her shoulders, "I'll make you some hot chocolate" Ino smiled at Mochi's attempt to calm her down, "thank you" she said pecking his cheek when he bent down to button the coat, he smiled at her and went to the kitchen.

When Kakucho parked the car everyone got down in silence, "follow me" Mikey said walking towards the ocean, the two followed in silence unsure of what Mikey had planned for them, when they were close enough for the water to touch their feet Mikey stopped and looked up to the sky, "now tell me, what happened?" Mikey inquired, the two looked at each other then at Mikey, they were shocked, he never bothered to ask before.

24 hours ago

Rindou stepped out of his room to see Kakucho who called him downstairs after Ino had fallen asleep, "what's up?" Rindou asked settling on the chair, "I want to talk about Ino" Kakucho said, "sure, what do you want to talk about?" Rindou asked, "I'm not comfortable with the way you relate with her" Kakucho said plainly, Rindou furrowed his brows "what do you mean?" He asked already starting to take offense, "don't get me wrong I know you like, and care for her, but you're being to careless with her" Kakucho explained.

"Are you trying to say I can't take care of her?" Rindou scoffed, "and what if I am, first was at that festival when you lost your phone and wallet, what if you two got lost and she was already starving when I came, then you nearly drowned her" Kakucho said.

"It was clearly an accident but she still enjoyed herself" Rindou said defensively, "it's not about fun, it's about protecting her, have you forgotten about all she's been through, you can't handle her so recklessly what if she relapse-" Kakucho's voice was now a bit raised, when Rindou cut in "you have no right to say anything, you took her virginity under the influence of drugs so stop acting so self righteous" he shot back.

This statement pierced through Kakucho's chest, "fuck I know and that's why I'm trying to make up for it" Kakucho said in a frustrated huff "try making up for it without interfering with in my relationship with her" Rindou said standing up to leave, Kakucho just shook his head "if your relationship with her becomes dangerous in anyway then I won't hesitate to interfere" he said to Rindou who rolled his eyes, "try it I dare you" and with that Rindou walked away.


Mikey looked at the two, "on normal circumstances I would have shot the two of you immediately I walked into that scene" he started, "but I wouldn't want Ino to look anymore terrified at that moment, did you two see her face?!" Mikey yelled, "I know what I did was inexcusable" Kakucho bowed and looked away, remembering how Ino looked and pushed him away was painful, "I know arguments like these are inevitable but I specifically told you all to do it away from her, I hate it when you actively disobey me" Mikey's voice becoming more stern.

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