Chapter 56 - troubled waters

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The meeting started and Takeomi was giving a full report, everyone listened quietly and gave their opinions, Rindou also explained how he got injured, Mikey listened to everything and gave out orders, soon everyone was out the door to take care of what Mikey had assigned them, well except for Sanzu.

"Can we talk" Sanzu said rather seriously, Mikey continued to go through his papers "make it quick Haruchiyo, I don't have all day" he said boredly, Sanzu took a deep breath "it's about Ino, she thinks you're avoiding her" he said plainly, "my relationship with Yutero is none of your concern, if that is all then you can leave now" Mikey said rather coldly.

Sanzu just wordlessly left the office, he could feel his irritation rise and the best thing was to leave before he said or did something he would regret, Yutero? What exactly was going on? That was new, when did Mikey start to address her as such? He walked through the hall, and made it to his office, he could see Ino talking to Rentoru before he entered and closed the door behind him.

At the end of the day everyone went back home, Ino watched as Mikey walked off, she quickly got down from Ran's car and went after him, "hey, Mikey would you like anything specific for dinner?" She managed to ask before he entered the elevator, "no, I'm fine" he said shortly, "but you haven't been eating well these days, I really think you should take something" she tried to press, "I said I'm fine" he coldly repeated, "oh right, my apologies" she apologized as the doors closed.

"What's going on?" Kakucho whisper asked Sanzu who just shrugged and walked over to Ino, "he's probably tired don't worry" he tried to reassure her, "it's okay I get it" she force smiled and entered the elevator.

"What exactly is happening?" Ran asked, "I think the stress is getting to Mikey" Sanzu said dryly, "well he doesn't have to pour it on Ino" Kokonoi scoffed, "I know but it'll probably blow over let's just give it time" Sanzu sighed "I hope you're right" Rindou commented.

Later that day, Ino still tried to get Mikey to eat something, she went to his room and knocked on the door "Mikey I have something for you to eat since you didn't come to the dining table" she explainded, "I don't want anything you can leave" he said distantly "but it's for your own good" she pressed buy he only proved stubborn and knocked the plate out of her hands when he opened the door "I said I don't want anything get out!" He yelled and slammed the door at her face, she could only sigh and pick up the pieces.

Contrary to Sanzu's words things didn't get better at all, Mikey only got colder and his eating and sleeping habits deteriorated drastically and Ino's followed suit, she was starting to battle her eating disorders and anxiety all over again, she began to wonder whether the entire situation was her fault, it was like she was going through a relapse, they were instances where he would snap at her unexpectedly for no exact reason, the executives were trying to keep them apart but they could only do so much since Mikey was the leader.

"Fuck it are we just going to let this happen?" Kokonoi asked as he downed his drink, "well what exactly can we do?" Rindou asked in frustration, "maybe we should take her out of the country far away from all this for some time" Ran suggested, "without Mikey's orders?" Sanzu asked sarcastically, Takeomi took a drag from his cigarette "the alarming thing is that he wants her close but still keeps her far" he sighed, "aren't you meant to abstain from that?" Mochi questioned, "it's just for tonight" Takeomi sighed taking another drag, "I can feel something bad coming" Kakucho muttered under his breath as he finished his drink.

While the executives took out their frustrations with drinks in the indoor lounge, Mikey was battling his demons up in his room, he knew what he was doing was wrong but he's been suffering from excessive night terrors for weeks and it was like his past had come back to haunt him, he layed on his bed staring at the ceiling blankly thinking over his life "I think it's time to end things, there's no use anymore" he sighed and stood up.

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