Chapter 23 - where?

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Ino slowly woke up to a pounding headache, it felt like she was being hit on the head with a golf club repeatedly, slowly she took her hands to her head while fighting back the tears from the pain, "are you finally awake?" A voice said a little bit far from her as she heard the moving of objects, "here have some water" the voice told her as she forced her eyes open to see Abi standing right there with an amused smirk plastered on his face, "I had no idea the drug was that strong I'll be sure to kick Yuro for that, but you know if you didn't resist I wouldn't have had to use it" Abi said holding out a glass of water for her.

"Where am I?" Was the first thing Ino said, "at a super secret location, and guess what were not even in Japan crazy right" Abi beemed as Ino's expression turned to one of shock, "you kidnapped me?" Ino questioned in disbelief, "kidnap is such a strong word, how about take or rescued" Abi chuckled lightly as he dropped the water on the night stand.

"This is ridiculous, please let me go back" Ino pleaded, "go back to the people who practically bought you" Abi scoffed, "what are you talking about?" Ino asked in confusion "you do know that you were a bargaining chip for your uncle and aunt's life right? Or have you forgotten, I'm just trying to save you, if you stay with me I'll treat you like the princess you are" Abi said slowing taking her hand which she took back.

"Whether I was bought or not, doesn't change the fact that I want to go back to them" Ino said bravely, "oh so you're going to reject me again?" Abi said angrily choking her "just like years ago huh? After everything I fuckin did for you!" Abi scoffed as he tightened his grip, "what are you talking about I don't know you from anywhere" Ino barely managed to get out before she started to choke.

Abi eventually let go of Ino as she started coughing and trying to catch her breath, the tight hold he had on her was definitely going to leave a mark, "so you really don't remember me?" Abi questioned Ino who was still trying to catch her breath, "have you forgotten the handsome, sexy college student you turned down years ago when we you were in highschool, you know brown hair" Abi explained as he watched Ino's eyes widen, "judging by your expression you remember" he chuckled darkly.

"What do you want?" Ino asked, "you know I still love you" Abi said slowly as he started into her eyes, "well I don't, I've told you time and time again" she said disdainfully, "well you really don't have a choice now love because you belong to me and you can't escape me this time" he said harshly grabbing her chin "I belong to no one" she said moving farther away, but he only chuckled and rolled his eyes before heading for the door, "get some rest tonight, you'll need your strenght for tomorrow I have a super special present for you" he beemed before leaving.

Rindou and Mochi made it back to the mansion later that night, all their men were searching frantically for anything they could use to trace Ino, "have you found anything?" Rindou asked the leader of the group, "nothing but this smashed cellphone outside, and judging from the left over food cooked she was obviously taken and didn't run away" the man explained before receiving a harsh fist to the face, "of course she didn't run away do you think she's some kind of hostage" Rindou spat angrily at the man, "that's enough all of you out of here" Mochi ordered as they all quickly filed out.

"Tch useless bastards" Rindou cursed under his breath, "calm down we need to keep a leveled head" Mochi said calmly, "right" Rindou agreed taking a deep breath, "she must have cleaned" Mochi said as he looked at the shining tiles, "she never did agree to rest, she would always go back to working at any opportunity" Rindou sighed, "we should talk to Omitsu tomorrow" Mochi said as he picked up the broken phone on the floor, "right well I'm going to my room" Rindou said before leaving Mochi alone in the Living room, "we'll find her don't worry" Mochi said to Rindou before he went out of sight, "yeah" Rindou agreed.

Ino stayed up as long as she could but eventually her tired body gave in to sleep, but despite her tired state she still managed to wake up early the next morning, sluggishly she dragged her body out of bed and went to the door, it was open, although her instincts told her it was probably a trap of some sort she couldn't ignore the urge to leave and so she did.

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