Chapter 58 - loyalty and leadership

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The others arrived at the office "where is the Mikey?" Sanzu asked Mochi, "he already left" he answered, "fuck, where exactly did he go?" Ran asked, "the port, if you hurry you could get there before things get too intense, I'll stay here and try to gather some more help" Mochi said, they all nodded and headed to the exit to their cars.

Mikey on the other hand had already arrived at the port, the two sides stood opposing each other with their leaders in front, "so you all alone? How sad" South mocked, "I am the invincible Mikey, I need no one, I'll put an end to you today and make you pay" Mikey announced, "we'll see" South chuckled.

The whole place grew silent... Until the first gunshot was fired, it was headed straight for Mikey, but the sniper missed and he was able to shoot him down, "fuckin bastard" Mikey whispered to himself as he went into the offensive, switching between physical fights and using his gun, he was able to kill more than twenty of the opposing men, unfortunately South was already out of his vision "where are you bastard?" He muttered as he ran off to find him.

Sanzu and Kakucho parked the cars far off to avoid it getting destroyed in the conflict, the sound gunshot and struggling men filled the air, "what's the plan?" Kakucho asked, "I guess the first thing to do is find Mikey and assit him" Sanzu said, "yes, but we should split into two groups to make it faster" Takeomi suggested, "alright I'll go with Sanzu, and Takeomi can go with Kakucho" Ran stated, they all nodded "we'll check the battlefield, you guys can check the buildings" Takeomi said.

Kakucho and Takeomi rushed into the heat of the action where they discovered their men were already getting overpowered, "there's no central leadership of course their losing" Takeomi said, "pull yourselves together men!" Kakucho shouted as they joined the fight, when the Bonten members saw the presence of two executives they instantly got moral and it began to tip the fight in their favor.

Meanwhile Ran and Sanzu rushed into the building to see unconscious men laying everywhere, "this is definitely Mikey's handwork, I'll just check over there" Ran said walking off, "fuck where are you Mikey!" Sanzu cursed loudly, "what do we have here?" a male's voice said dangerously close, Sanzu turned to the source of the voice "what are you doing here, Hanma?" He questioned aiming his gun, Hanma raised his hand in surrender "I'm not here to fight, just to see the victor" He smirked.

Sanzu eyed him skeptically and turned to leave, "if you're looking for your leader you might want to take a left turn" Hanma advised before walking off, "Ran, to the left!" He yelled and started running.

Thirty minutes earlier Mikey confidently walked into the building looking for South, "took you long enough" South said discarding a used cigarette, "so you finally decided to confront me like a man" Mikey said, "not necessarily" South said before snapping his fingers, men trooped into the building from all angles armed with every type of weapons except a gun, "I'll be waiting for you, if you can survive" South laughed and walked away, Mikey gritted his teeth "you cowardly bastard, you'll die today!" He sweared.

The men rushed towards Mikey, swinging the dangerous objects, but he was able to avoid majority of their attacks and take them out with a single kick, but he was human and he took some damage, like his shoulder getting pierced by a glass bottle, it was a miracle he was still alive, "look at me fighting to stay alive when I nearly ended my life just this morning" he laughed dryly to himself as he tied up his wounds.

When he was done he walked further into the building to look for South, but he South found him first, he creeped up from behind and stabbed Mikey in the leg, "you bastard!" Mikey spat as he fell to his knee, he gripped the knife and pulled it out, blood gushed out as he groaned in pain, South held a gun to his head "did you wonder why none of those men had guns? It's because I wanted to kill you myself, game over, any last words? Look none of your men are even here to see your end, but don't worry I'll be sure to burn this place to ashes so they won't see a body to bury, and as for that girl, Ino was it? I'll be sure to tell her how your final moments are, well if she survives her surgery" he taunted.

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