Chapter 43 - Caribbean arc (amusement park)

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Ino walked out of her room fully dressed in blue trousers, a white blouse and white sneakers, she put on her usual accessories and light make up before styling her hair into a neat bun.

She walked downstairs and saw all the guys dressed waiting for her, they were dressed in casual t-shirts, jeans, sneakers and jackets, but somehow they still managed to look overly expensive "you look so beautiful" Kakucho complimented her once he took in her outfit, "thank you" she blushed, Rindou took her hand in his "c'mon let's go" he said flashing a bright smile.

Everyone walked out together and entered the car, "I can't wait" Ino beemed excitedly as the amusement park came into sight, "what do you want to do first?" Rindou questioned, "go on rides" she smiled at him, "can you even ride a rollercoaster" Kakucho chuckled, "I can too" she pouted like a four year old as they all laughed.

When Mochi parked the car everyone got down and all the vendors immediately surrounded the group advertising their products, Mikey instinctively wrapped his arms around Ino protectively and dragged her to a distance, "they're always trying to sell something useless to tourists" he scowled.

When the group reunited Mikey and Ino were already standing in line to go on a rollercoaster, "are you sure you can do this?" Kakucho asked the two when he heard the screams of people, "yes I'm sure besides Mikey will be right next to me the entire time" she said proudly, "alright we'll watch you guys from here have fun" Rindou said as he settled on the rail.

When Mikey and Ino reached the front of the line they were sitted in back next to each other, "please make sure you're securely buckled in and watch out for flying object" the controller said before pressing the green button, Ino used one of her hand to hold the handle and the other to hold Mikey's, she shuffled nervously in anticipation, while the car slowly trailed higher Mikey used the opportunity to look at Ino who had a bright smile plastered on her face.

"Are you ready?!" Ino abruptly exlaimed when they reached the peak, Mikey finally looked around and noticed how far they were from the ground, he even locked eyes with the others who were waving at them.

The car started to suddenly move at immense speed going left, right, up and down in a flash as everyone except for Mikey seemed to screamed their lungs out, his grip on Ino's hand tightened as they entered a series of loops.

When the ride ended and came to a complete stop, Ino stumbled out of the car with Mikey as her support, both their hair and clothes were in disarray, once Ino's vision cleared up she turned to look at Mikey before bursting out laughing, he looked at her in confusion, "what?" He asked, "your hair" she said pointing to his hung up bangs, "how was it?" Rindou questioned, "I don't like it" Mikey said stoically as Ino continued to laugh, "your hair is also pretty bad" Kakucho said taking a picture and showing her.

"You forgot your picture" one of the staff said running to hand them a picture of Mikey and Ino in the middle of the ride, this time all of them bursted out laughing, "I want to try let's go on another one together" Rindou suggested excitedly as Ino nodded in agreement.

And they did, Ino and Rindou ended up riding another roller coaster, Rindou could hardly walk straight when they got down, "rollercoasters are the greatest!" Ino exlaimed, "how about we slow things down and get something to eat" Kakucho suggested, "can I get ice cream?" Ino asked, "that's not a meal" Kakucho shook his head, "I'll buy it for you" Mochi said to Ino completely ignoring whatever Kakucho said, "are you serious?" Kakuco crossed his hand and raised a brow, "we're at an amusement park let her be amused" he shrugged.

Kakuco sighed and gave up as Mochi led them to a food stand where he bought Ino her ice cream, she it ate happily, "say ah" Ino said trying to convince Mikey to eat her ice cream, he first refuse but ultimately gave in, "it's pretty good" he said in approval when he tasted it, "here I have this" Rindou said holding a fried stick of potato to Ino's mouth, Mochi and Kakucho were the only two who ordered proper meals.

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