Chapter 57 - divided

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Mikey watched Ino cry, she stood looking down at him as the tears and water from her the rain fell to his face, "how could you? What were you thinking?" She asked painfully, Mikey could feel the impact of her palm on his cheek, she slapped him, he could hear the gasps from the other executives behind them, he wasn't even sure when they got there, but they were watching the whole scene.

Mikey wanted to say something, but his lips were shut, his cheek stung from the slap, and his heart felt heavy "why! Tell me! You really wanted to leave me like that? Do you think this is enough?" Ino asked in desperation, she brought out a piece of paper from her pocket, the letter Mikey had left for her, "is this the last memory you want me to have of you how selfish can you be?" she spat aggressively tearing it before his eyes.

Ino brought out two pocket knives from her pockets "you want to die? Go ahead" she said angrily handing one to him, "then I'll do the same" she said pressing the second to her throat, "Ino please" Ran spoke up, "stay out of it Haitani" she said to him with a sweet smile, Ran's blood ran cold there was no hesitation in her eyes, "Mikey do something" Sanzu said through gritted teeth.

"Why?" Mikey asked Ino, "you want to leave me, why?" She asked back, "it's not about you, I'm just... I'm tired" Mikey said weakly, "I'm tired too, we can end it all together" she said pressing the metal on her skin to the point of bleeding, "Ino please let's talk about this calmly" Kakucho said shakily, he could see her blood stain the metal and drip to her hand "it's Mikey's call, he's the boss" she said coldly.

"You're willing to die with me?" Mikey asked pressing the metal to his neck, "anytime" Ino said with a sad smile, "I love you Ino... Please remove the knife from your neck, I can't have you shorten your life for me" Mikey said slowly, he flung his knife to the side and Ino lowered her own, "I'm sorry" Mikey said as tears fell from his eyes, he stood up and held Ino as she bursted into uncontrollable sobs.

"Are you trying to give us a heart attack?" Kokonoi said painfully, most of them were almost in tears "I'm so sorry" Ino said turning to the executives, "but none of you can leave me, I won't let you, I'd rather let the world burn, I'd follow you all to hell, heaven, the after life if needed, I swear it by every last drop of blood in my vains, you've made me into this, now take the responsibility" she said without an ounce of hesitance in her voice.

"And you think we'd let you go?" Sanzu said with a crazed smile, "that's right princess, you're not going anywhere" Ran chuckled, "till death do us part, and not just any death, the death we will deliver, are you ready to be bound with us for life?" Mikey asked, "this life is too short, I'll be bound to you all even until the after life" Ino said laughing.

"You're all crazy, but I'm not against it" Kokonoi said, "same" Takeomi chuckled, "I'm so relieved" Ino said weakly, "c'mon let's go home" Mikey said holding her hand, they all walked out of the building together, Mikey held Ino's hand.

Ino was smiling as she looked around her, she had truly found a peaceful home, she could definitely die now with no regrets, bang a gunshot was fired, all the executives went on the offensive, before Mikey could ask what was going on there was a weight on his shoulder, Ino slumped, quickly he wrapped his hands around her, "Ino!" He called out frantically, she wasn't moving, why was there a bullet in her chest?

"Get the car!" Takeomi ordered, Sanzu sprinted and quickly unlocked the car he opened the car and Mikey quickly lifted Ino inside, Ran and Kokonoi entered swiftly after him while Kakucho drove his own car with Takeomi, "Ino open your eyes" Mikey said in frustration, he lightly shook her but there was no response, Ran checked her pulse, it was so weak "we're losing her, drive faster!" He said in a panicked tone, "fuckin calm down, we can't afford to crash, he's already speeding as it is" Kokonoi said.

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