Chapter 9 - gc chaos

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Of course Mikey didn't believe that she went unharmed but he left it alone deciding not to press so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable, when everyone cleaned up they sat down at the dinner table to eat together, but there was another problem now.

Nobody dared talk because of the unspoken tension, Mikey was busy staring a whole into Kakucho but his eyes would eventually soften when he looked at Ino who was wearing a worried expression, Sanzu was the first to get up "I'll excuse myself from the table, I have bitches to kil- something to attend to" he excused himself, "yeah I'm full" Ran said, "me too" Rindou agreed and the two brothers made a beeline for the door, "I have to complete the deals excuse me" Kokonoi said leaving as Takeomi and Mochi just left after thanking Ino for the meal.

Only three people were left at the table, Mikey, Ino and Kakucho, "so" Mikey started "would you like to tell me what happened to Ino today?" He asked "it was nothing sir honestly" Ino said frantically trying her best not to put anyone into trouble "it's actually my faul-" she continued before she was cut off by Mikey, "I wasn't asking you, he was incharge of you so I want his explanation" he said coldly.

Kakucho knew there was no reason for his failure so he simply stood up and bowed his head "I'm terribly sorry boss, I want to apologize for my incompetence when it came to guiding Ino" he apologized, Mikey stood up and stared at him with a rising anger "so you admit this is your fault?" He asked, "yes" Kakucho agreed.

Mikey immediately grabbed him by the collar aggressively, Ino gasped and jumped out of her seat as Mikey slammed Kakucho into the wall, she had never really seen Mikey as someone to do something that violent on a whim, it was scary how hos switch flipped, "Mikey please it's not his fault" she said slightly grabbing his hand "oh then who'd fault is it?" He asked coldly devoid of any emotions, "it's mine" she answered almost in tears.

"Wrong answer" he hissed tightening his grip on Kakucho's collar, 'what do I do?! Kakucho is in trouble because of me, I can't let anything happen, what do I say?' she thought anxiously to herself, "it's those girls fault, and their pettiness" she said loudly shocking Mikey as he let go of Kakucho, "Kakucho are you alright?" Ino asked worriedly and got down to her knees to meet him, Kakucho was still trying to catch his breath but he nodded, "yes I'm fine" he answered a bit weakly.

"Ino so it was those girls fault right?" Mikey verified as he gently cupped her cheeks while towering above her "y-yes Mikey" she answered nervously although she didn't really believe it herself, "that's a good girl" Mikey said softly stroking her cheek as Kakucho watched.

Mikey left shortly after "sorry about all that Kakucho, this is all my fault" Ino said bowing her head to the floor, "don't worry about it I'm fine, besides it's like you said it's those girls fault" Kakucho reassured with a head pat, "I'll be heading to bed now" Kakucho said waving before leaving her in the dining room alone to clean up the mess, when she finished she went straight to her room to clean herself up.

Ino came out of the bathroom and put on yellow matching pajamas and got ready to go to bed, it had been a long day and she was exhausted, *ring ring* her phone began to ring, she groaned before answering.

"Hello" she said into the phone.

"Hey Angel I thought you were asleep" Sanzu said amused at her tired voice.

"Huh Mr Sanzu?" She said confused.

"The one and only" he chuckled "you didn't forget what I told earlier did ya?" he questioned.

Ino's eyes widened she was so tired that she completely forgot, "I'm sorry I'll be right there" she said scrambling around to turn on the lights and search for her slippers.

"Alright I'll see you~" Sanzu said amused, he could here her panicked state before he hung up.

"Oh my, how could I forget" Ino said to herself as she quickly left her room heading straight to the rooftop, "I'm here" she panted as the pinkette turned around to face her "wow aren't you fast" he chuckled lightly, "don't just stand there come" he motioned for her to seat next to him which she did, Ino eyed Sanzu who was wearing just a casual long sleeved t-shirt and joggers, "do you like it?" Sanzu asked referring to his outfit, "yes it looks nice on you" she replied sincerely, as he smiled and held her hand.

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