Chapter 20 - small world

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"you look so beautiful" Ran said breathlessly as he watched Ino come down from the stairs, "thank you but this seems a bit too... Um what's the word I'm looking for?" Ino thought, "Sexy?" Sanzu suggested, "more like eye catching" she corrected "well of course with your beauty anything you put on is eye catching" Kokonoi shrugged.

Ino was wearing a short fitted black dress with an open back, sweetheart neckline and black knee high heel boots, "well the party is happening in a club so that's club worthy outfit, not to mention it really highlights your curves" Ran smirked before wrapping his arm around her waist, "honestly you wear baggy clothes so much that someone could mistake you for being flat" Sanzu commented before receiving a smack on the head from Kakucho, "ignore him you look good in anything" Kakucho smiled, "no but seriously when the tailor told me the size of her bust, waist and-" Kokonoi started before getting cut off by Mochi, "that's enough" he sighed when he saw Ino turn red, "wait what's the size?" Rindou whisper asked, "I'll tell you later" Kokonoi waved him off.

"Let's go" Mikey said as he pulled Ino along with him, everyone decided to go in their own cars, but Mikey, Ino and Kakucho were all in one car, "are there gonna be paparazzi there too?" Ino asked, "no, this is very exclusive" Kakucho answered, "oh okay" Ino sighed, "you really hate parties?" Mikey questioned, "I just don't have good memories of partaking in them" she sighed.

They reached the venue of one of the most popular nightclubs in Tokyo, "stay close" Mikey said to Ino as he wrapped his arms around her, they all walked in, the party was already in full swing with colored lights and performers dancing up and down the poles, but of course the entrance of a group as influencial as Bonten was bound to draw attention.

"Woah, who are those guys?" The new server girls asked each other, "they're so handsome" another commented, "that's Bonten one of the most powerful groups in attendance be on your toes when you serve then, you do not want to be on their bad side" the manager informed, "I hope I get to serve them, they're so hot and they look loaded" another whispered, "that's enough back to work" the manager directed.

"Good evening Mr Sano" a certain middle aged man greeted with Lee by his side, the same one Ino unintentionally met at the last gathering, Ino unconsciously tightened her grip around Mikey which he definitely noticed "Evening Mr Roku" Mikey greeted back in a low tone, "well if it isn't Bonten and miss Ino" Abi cooed as he walked in from the dance floor, "maybe you should try greeting people when your lips aren't smudged with lipstick" Lee commented with a smug smile

"Oh excuse me, you know I'm so handsome some women can't just help but throw themselves on me" he said as he wiped his mouth clean with a handkerchief, before giving it to a serving girl who looked like she won a lottery, "why is this guy so full of himself Aniki?" Rindou whisper asked Ran "I don't know but I don't like it" Ran whispered back as they watched Abi unintentionally draw women in with just his smile.

"Miss Ino it's such a pleasure to see you again honestly it's a blessing to be standing in front of such unparalleled beauty other than myself of course" Abi flirted as he took Ino's hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back, "alright that's enough" Kokonoi said as he pulled Ino into his own embrace protectively, "forgive him he's narcissistic, self centered and probably very delusional" Lee apologized as he smacked the back of Abi's head.

"How about a game between us?" Abi suggested, "what type of game?" Ran inquired "a game of poker with a little wager" Abi explained, "hah poker? Alright what's the wager?" Kokonoi asked, "if I win I get to have a dance with Ino if you guys win I'll relinquish a certain cafe I own to you" Abi proposed, "that doesn't seem fair, why would you wager something like that?" Kakucho questioned, "for fun of course and because I cannot lose" Abi boasted.

"Fine what type of poker?" Kokonoi asked, "nothing too fancy I'll even let you choose but I get to choose my opponent" Abi smiled, "then who do you pick?" Takeomi finally spoke up, "hmm how about Mr Sanzu" Abi smiled, "well shit" Mochi sighed, "what's that suppose to mean?" Sanzu questioned, "you know how you get when it comes to poker" Rindou rolled his eyes, "how does he get?" Ino asked, "when he starts to lose he makes bad decisions" Kokonoi shaked his head, "guys chill I'll win this" Sanzu said confidently.

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