Chapter 19 - back home

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Two days had passed since Ino regained consciousness, and she was recovering well according to Omitsu's reports much to everyone's delight.

Yui restlessly sat in a restaurant obviously waiting for someone, "it took you long enough" she scoffed when a blonde male took the sit across from her, "oh don't be like that" he chuckled and ordered the waiters to serve them, "for a waiter you clean up nice" Yui complimented while she continuously eyed him, "who said I was a waiter?" He questioned, "but that's what you were doing the other day" she replied, "oh no I just own that cafe and felt like working that day" he clearified.

"Oh, anyway Ino is conscious again, honestly I thought she would die" Yui informed and taking a sip of her drink, "well that a relief" the man sighed "they claim to be the most powerful but they can't even protect a woman how shameful" he scoffed, "what do you even want with her?" Yui asked curiously, "it's nothing you should concern yourself with" the man dismissed, "hmm alright, as long as I am paid" Yui shrugged.

"I want you to find out when Ino will be left alone, without any of the executives around" the man informed, "hmm that will be hard they're attached to the hip even when she's at the hospital" Yui revealed, "I'll pay you double of what I've been giving you" the offered, "well then it's a deal, I'll be sure to deliver, just give me some time" Yui agreed, "your love for money is something else" the man laughed, "and your love for women is another" Yui retorted, "not any woman though, I have taste" he shrugged before getting up, "here to pay for dinner" the man said as he dropped a stack of cash on the table.

"Aren't you meant to be at work?" Ino questioned "nope" Mochi answered as he handed her a piece of freshly baked bread, "alright then, are the others at work?" She asked, "yeah but they'll probably be here in a bit" Mochi explained, "please tell them not to bring anything more flowers, this place has practically turned into a garden" Ino complained as Mochi chuckled, "I'm not saying anything to them" Mochi said with his hands raised in surrender.

The two engaged in a short conversation with Mochi telling Ino about how everyone was doing without her at home, most of it being funny stories, Ino laughed and was about to ask more questions when the door opened.

"Angel! How are you?!" Sanzu asked as he rushed through the door to hug Ino, "Sanzu you shouldn't run through the hospital or be too loud, other patients are trying to sleep" Ino scolded, "I tried to tell him" Kakucho and Kokonoi said in unison as everyone else entered the room, "hey princess" Ran greeted, "hey guys" Ino waved, "how are you feeling?" Mikey asked, "I'm okay" she smiled.

"Sanzu move I want to sit next to Ino" Rindou said as he tried to pry Sanzu from Ino's bed, "no let me be!" Sanzu shouted, "can you all be quiet" Takeomi scolded, "I think it's time for you two to go visiting hours are over" Ino facepalmed, "no don't send me away" Rindou and Sanzu begged, "well she's not wrong" Omitsu said while entering the room, "good evening Dr Omitsu" Ino greeted, "good evening Ino it's time for your examination and time for everyone to leave" Omitsu announced.

"But we just got here" Ran whined, "I don't want to go" Mikey refused and hugged Ino, "what if I buy the whole hospital" Kokonoi suggested, "sounds good" Rindou agreed, "nobody is buying any hospital" Ino reprimanded, "but we don't want to go" Sanzu whined, "tell you what, if you leave and the tests for the examination come out well, Ino can be discharged tomorrow" Omitsu said "really?" Kakucho asked, "yes she seems to be a lot better now" Omitsu answered, "alright then we'll go" Mikey sighed, "thank you" Ino smiled before kissing his cheek, "what about me" Ran whined, "tomorrow" Ino smiled as Omitsu opened the door for all of them to leave.

They all trouped out each saying a goodbye to Ino as Omitsu closed the door behind them.

"Well that was something" Omitsu chuckled, "yeah" Ino agreed, "so how are you feeling, any headaches? Or pains?" Omitsu inquired, "no I feel alright" Ino answered, "how about your eating and sleeping habits?" Omitsu asked, "honestly I've never felt more happier and healthier in my life" Ino smiled, "well that's good meaning you'll be able to be discharged tomorrow, all your test results look good, but if you leave make sure to take care of yourself, avoid all mental and emotional stress and no strenuous exercise or activities for atleast a month or even longer if possible, and make sure to rest your sleep is very important" Omitsu explained, "I understand" Ino nodded, "alright then goodbye" Omitsu said before leaving the room.

When the executives got back they wasted no time in planning for Ino's return, "So she'll be back tomorrow" Ran smiled, "yeah I'm calling the cleaners to sterilize the entire house" Kokonoi said, "it's like bringing home a new baby" Mochi chuckled, "she's my baby though" Sanzu shrugged, "Takeomi and Mochi will be incharge of picking her up tomorrow" Mikey instructed, "maybe I should cook something special for her" Kakucho suggested, "I can help" Ran and Rindou volunteered.

"Then what do I do?" Sanzu asked, "you can go grocery shopping" Kakucho suggested and handed him a list, Sanzu looked insulted "you want me to go this night?" He asked in disbelief, "well we need to stock up the kitchen and we need ingredients to cook tomorrow" Ran said, "let's go Haruchiyo" Mikey said as he started walking, Sanzu just sighed and followed after him.

The next day came and Ino dressed up and got ready, "are you ready to go?" Omitsu asked when she saw Ino tying her hair up, "yes" she answered excitedly, "alright then here's my phone number just in case you want to talk about anything I'm just a call away" Omitsu said as she handed Ino a piece of paper, "thank you" Ino gratefully bowed.

"Are you ready to go?" Takeomi asked as he was walking Ino out of the hospital, "yes I'm a little nervous though" she answered, "about what? It's still us nothings changed" he smiled, "nothing?" She repeated, "well except the fact that Miwa isn't there anymore" he shrugged, that made Ino feel relief, she never knew what happened to the woman since she could never bring herself to ask about her after she woke up.

"Hi Mochi" Ino greeted when she sat in the back of the car, "hello" he greeted back before starting the car, the drive was short as Mochi parked the car in front of the mansion, "it's been a while" Ino sighed as she got down from the car.

The three entered the mansion, shock and confusion was the first emotion Ino felt, "what happened here?" She asked, "Kokonoi just decided to renovate" Moch shrugged, "welcome back, do you like it?" Kokonoi asked, "you changed all the furniture?" She said in surprise, "yes, I didn't want you to be reminded of anything bad so I got new things for new memories" Kokonoi explained, "that's very thoughtful thank you Koko" she smiled "but isn't it a bit too much to completely change the design of the house?" She asked, "I would have done it either way the furniture was getting outdated" he shrugged.

"Where are the others?" Ino asked as she sat in the living room, "their trying to cook something in the kitchen" Kokonoi said, "the key word is trying" Mochi laughed, "let me go see" she said.

Ino stood up and walked into the kitchen, where she could here alot of noise, "what's happening in here?" Ino asked as she walked in to see everyone and everything covered in floor, eggshells, milk, fruits and sugar, "pfft hahaha, what happened?" She laughed hard and held her stomach, "it's his fault" Rindou complained as he pushed Sanzu, "watch it!" Sanzu yelled as he picked up a fist full of flour and threw it at Rindou who dodged easily, unfortunately the flour ended up on Mikey instead, who inturn threw an egg which landed on Ran, "Sanzu I blame you!" Ran shouted before throwing a handful of flour at Sanzu, but he dodged and it ended up on Ino.

"Sorry" Ran apologized to Ino who was now covered in floor, "it's okay" Ino smiled as she dumped the rest of the flour on Ran, Rindou, Sanzu and Mikey "I just wanted to make a good meal" Kakucho sighed, "let's just order takeout" Ran suggested, "maybe after we all take a shower" Mikey commented, Ino laughed and agreed.

After everyone took a shower they came down to the living room to eat the takeout Kokonoi ordered, "has anyone seen my blow drier?" Ino asked with a towel on her neck, "nope" everyone answered "why don't you come here so I'll dry your hair" Rindou suggested, "alright" she agrred and sat in-between his legs, Rindou wasted no time in using the towel to dry out the water while massaging her scalp and she leaned into Rindou more.

"We've been invited to a party" Kakucho announced as he looked at his phone, "oh are you guys to attend?" Ino asked, "yes and your coming" Mikey said nonchalantly, "I'm not really a fan of parties though" Ino said, "don't worry we'll be with you throughout" Ran said gently patting her head, "and besides without you it'll be to boring" Sanzu complained, Ino sighed tiredly "alright I'll go" she agreed.

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