Chapter 25 - broken vase

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Three days passed and both Lee and Yuro were trying their best to keep Abi far away from Ino since they had noticed a change in her behavior, it started when Abi complimented her long hair, she was found with scissors about thirty minutes later after she had successfully cut her hair a little shorter than shoulder length, she also stopped crying and just started talking to herself, the two were definitely concerned at this point.

"Hey Ino I'm back" Abi said cheerily as he bursted through her room door, "get out and leave me alone" Ino said in annoyance, "tonight is Lee's birthday and we're throwing a party downstairs and you're invited" he said happily ignoring her words, "I'm not going" she said angrily, "why not it will be so much fun we'll drink dance and have a blast" Abi said trying to sound convincing, "let us get one thing straight, you kidnapped, that means we're not friends, meaning I don't have to join you in anything, so just get out" Ino said in a frustrated huff before she stood up and went to the bathroom slamming the door behind her.

"We've done it!" Kokonoi said excitedly, "what have you done?" Rindou asked, "we've found out the country where Ino was taken to" Kakucho said proudly, "really where?" Sanzu asked, "the Philippines" Kokonoi announced, "Sanzu, Ran and Takeomi, the three of you start heading there tomorrow" Mikey ordered, "yes sir" the three said in unison, "you guys better find her" Rindou said, "oh we will, and kill those bastards" Ran said confidently.

Ino looked at the clock it was almost past midnight, 'they should be out by now' she thought, her plan was to escape at the peak of the party when everyone was either drunk or passed out, so she left her room quietly and headed straight for the elevator, all she needed to do was get out of the building first then she would find her way after that, but the only problem is that she would have to pass the living room to get to the second elevator that leaded to the ground floor.

Running to the elevator she pushed the button and prayed no one was in, and luckily for her it was empty, she got in and pushed the button for the living room, as she got closer the music got louder and as the door opened the smell of alcohol and smoke hit her even louder, they were bodies everywhere mostly of drunk women, she couldn't see Lee, Abi, Yuro or their boss which was probably for the best at the moment.

She ran to the elevator, but right before she pressed the button she caught sight of Abi with some women in the kitchen luckily he hadn't noticed her, she pressed the button and waited impatiently.

The door opened and all her hope came crashing down, "are you trying to escape again? Yuro asked amused, "well fuck" Ino cursed, "seems your vocabulary is becoming more colorful" he chuckled, "just let me go please, I won't tell anyone that it was you" she pleaded, "sorry no, c'mon I'll take you back to your room" he said.

"Oh Ino so you decided to show up, that's great" Abi said, "I'm heading back to my room" Ino said turning around to leave before Abi grabbed her hand, "Abi I think you should just let her go" Yuro said worriedly, he didn't like the situation at all, Abi was drunk and Ino could switch up at anytime, "who cares what you think, now come with me" Abi said pulling Ino to the kitchen.

Abi forcefully introduced Ino to the women in the kitchen, Ino just sat in silence and when she was sure that Abi was drunk enough she snuck out, wanting to try her luck in escaping again, "not so fast upstairs" Yuro said as he saw her trying to open the elevator doors.

Yuro escorted Ino back to her room, "just go to sleep" Yuro said before leaving again, "I was so close" Ino said frustrated as she began to cry again slowly falling asleep on her tears soaked pillow.

An hour passed and Abi stumbled drunkenly into Ino's room, alcohol clouding his judgement as he entered her bed, "Ino Ino wake up" he said shaking the girl awake, "Sanzu go take a bath you smell like alcohol again" she said sleepily only to open her eyes to see Abi's enraged face, "what was that?" He asked angrily as he began to choke her, "your here with me and you dare mention another man's name" he spat angrily, "let.... me go" she managed to get out as she struggled to breathe.

Because of the struggling the night lamp and vase on the table fell to the ground shattering, "what's going on in here" Yuro and Lee came running in, "Abi are you crazy get off her" Lee said pulling Abi off Ino before she passed out, "are you trying to kill her?" Yuro asked, "she deserves to die at this point" Abi said in a frustrated huff.

Ino on the other hand quickly grabbed a piece of the broken vase, she tightened her hand around it to the point of her sustaining a wound and bleeding profusely, "the two of you get out of my way I'll kill that son of a bastard before he kills me" Ino spat angrily, "Ino put that down" Lee ordered, "shut up I'll kill you too" she said as she continued to lose blood, "your losing blood stop it" Yuro said, "I don't care" she laughed darkly in a crazed manner, "let me at her! I'll teach this crazy bitch how to behave" Abi laughed as he tried to get closer to Ino, but Lee was holding him back, "don't do anything you idiot are you trying to die?" Lee yelled, "don't be silly she can't kill me" Abi laughed.

Ino lunged forward and instead she brushed Lee instead of Abi, "that's enough drop it!" Lee yelled as he clutched his injured side, "Yuro get Abi out of here" he ordered, "c'mon let's go" Yuro said forcefully dragging Abi out of the room, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me" Ino apologised, "it's fine just go back to sleep" Lee said leaving the room closing the door behind him, 'I'm going to lose my mind if I stay here' she thought to herself as she fell on her bed.

"Lee boss is calling you" Yuro said, "where's Abi?" Lee asked, "the boss knocked him out" Yuro explained, "good" Lee laughed as he bandaged the wound, "is it deep?" Yuro asked, "no she was still holding back, I could've died" Lee said as he stood up.

The two walked to the meeting room where the boss was smoking and Abi was on the floor unconscious, "Tomorrow we'll call up Bonten, make sure the living room is cleaned up, and get him out of my sight" Mr Roku ordered, "yes boss" the two said in unison as Yuro lifted Abi and walked out, "what happened to you?" Mr Roku asked when he noticed the blood stain on Lee's shirt, "it was just an accident" Lee said before leaving, trying his best to avoid any further questions.

The next morning Yuro went to clean up the broken shards on the floor of Ino's room and dress her wounds from the night before, "sorry about last night" Ino mumbled as she hugged her knees, "it's fine bring your wound let me see" he ordered as he opened the first aid kit, "why are you even here, you seem to nice to be a part of a gang like this" Ino said as she gave him her hand, "I'm only here for the money trust me" he said adjusting his glasses to look at the injury properly.

"You sound like Kokonoi" she commented, "your boyfriend?" He asked "wha? N-no?" She blushed, "I've never seen you make that expression he must be really important then" Yuro chuckled as he finished dressing the wound, "you're really good at this" Ino said, "I learned from an expert" he said packing up all the material, "see you" he said before leaving.

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