Chapter 14 - lazy day

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Hangovers, it was Ino's first time experiencing them, and it wasn't a good look on her, " stomach it hurts" she groaned, she nearly jolted up as she felt wetness under her, "oh no please no" she silently prayed and she moved her cotton sheets, "blood! Oh no, I thought it was tomorrow" she panicked as the pain in her abdomen increased with each move she made.

"Ino? Are you awake?" Mikey asked from outside the door, "um yes sir good morning" she shakily greeted, "can I come in?" He asked concerned by the tone of her voice "no! I mean you can't" she answered defensively as she slowly crawled out of the bed wincing in pain, "why not?" He asked, 'I can't tell him I'm stained that would be so embarrassing' she thought "I'm naked!" She quickly answered, Mikey's hand fell from the doorknob "why are you naked first thing in the morning?" He questioned, "I was bathing" she replied quickly, "alright then just put on some clothes" he suggested.

"Blergh!" Ino threw up as soon as she reached the bathroom, Mikey who was still outside the door couldn't help but rush into the room when he heard her voice, "are you alright?" He asked rushing into the toilet where Ino was on the floor "I'm fine sir, you should go this place is dirty, I'm dirty" she responded, Mikey flushed the toilet then looked around, he saw the blood stain on the bed, "is it that time of the month?" He asked Ino who was sitting in the bathtub nodded"y-yes" she answered.

Mikey quickly left the room to make a call before coming inside again, ''how do you change sheets again?'' he asked himself as he looked at the blood stained bed, soon enough there was a knock on the door, "I've brought everything" Takeomi said handing a package to him, "is this everything she needs?" Mikey asked looking at the box.

"I got everything based on my sister's needs" Takeomi replied before looking at the bed, "the sheets needs changing" Mikey said dropping the box on a table, "I can change them" Takeomi said pulling the sheets of by the edge before throwing all of them into the laundry basket, "I'll take the box to her" Mikey said.

Ino took off her clothes and sat in warm water to relieve the pain a bit, her cheeks were a bright pink from embarrassment, "this is so embarrassing, I'll never live this down" she thought cupping her cheeks, "Ino I'll leave the box on the counter, it has everything you need" Mikey announced from outside the curtain before leaving the bathroom, 'Mr Mikey is so nice' she thought getting out of the bathtub, she wrapped a towel around herself and picked up the box there were different sizes of pads and tampons, with pain killers.

"Wow this is so much" she said picking up a pack of tampons to use, when Ino fixed herself and put on a bathrobe she poked her head out of the bathroom to see Mikey talking to Takeomi who quickly noticed her presence, "I'll be leaving now goodbye" Takeomi said before walking out, "are you feeling better?" Mikey asked Ino who was still peeking from outside the bathroom door, "yes thank you" she replied softly blushing, "that's good come down when you're dressed" he said before leaving the room.

As the door closed Ino quickly ran to her closet to put on casual sweatpants and a hoodie, before heading downstairs, Mikey was sitted in the living room watching something on the TV so she used the opportunity to sneak into the kitchen, "Ino? I don't recall telling you to enter the kitchen" Mikey said boredly with his eyes still fixed on the screen.

Ino fliched and slowly walked back to the living room "sorry I just wanted to make breakfast" she apologized, "sit" he commanded softly patting the space next to him, she took a deep breath and slowly sat next to Mikey who turned his attention to her, he gently ran his fingers through her hair brushing the stray strands out of her face before burying his face in the crook of her neck.

She shivered at the contact of his warm breath on her skin "you'll be spending the day with me so rest easy, aren't you having cramps?" Mikey asked gently playing with her hair and taking in her light scent "it's much better thanks to the medicine" she replied, "mmm... okay, I'm not going to the office today, so we can just relax" he said pulling her into his lap to fully bury himself in the crook of her neck.

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