Chapter 28 - welcome back

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"you guys are back? That was quick" Ran said as he randomly skipped through channels on the television, "yeah the bullet didn't hit anything vital so I'll be fine in a few weeks" Kokonoi said sitting next to him, "we bought Ino some things, is she awake?" Kakucho asked, "nope she's probably going to sleep the rest of the night" Sanzu said entering the living room with two cups of freshly made instant ramen, he gave one to Ran then proceeded to sit on the floor.

"Where are the others?" Kokonoi asked when he noticed no one else was around, "they all went to bed" Ran said blowing on his cup, "then I think I'll turn in for the night, Koko think we can share a room?" Kakucho asked, "sure I'll need your help taking off this jacket anyway" Kokonoi said as the two walked away.

Ran and Sanzu stayed up a bit later before going to bed a little past midnight.

Ino woke up completely naked in an empty bed, she looked around the dark room, before laying back down, her thoughts were in a jumble and she couldn't manage to get back to sleep, after minutes of pacing and turning she eventually dragged herself out of bed, deciding that she couldn't sleep, she walked to the closet grabbing thr first thing in sight which happened to be an oversized wool sweat which reached her knee level.

Ino left the room and entered the room right across from it which happened to be Ran's room, she looked around to see the older Haitani sleeping shirtless, his tattoos clearly visible, 'i didn't know he had this many tattoos I wonder if Rindou has some to' she thought to herself as she climbed unto his bed.

Ino unconsciously ran her fingers through his soft hair as she took in his sleeping figure slightly smiling to himself, "you like that?" He asked sleepily as he slowly opened his eyes a playful grin displayed on his lips, "sorry about waking you up" she apologized after taking her hand back, "it's alright I wasn't really asleep" he said wrapping him arms around her, "couldn't sleep?" He asked buring his face in the crook of her neck.

"Not really, my thoughts are just all over the place" she sighed, "oh what exactly are you thinking about?" Ran asked, "I killed Miwa" Ino admitted, "so? Who cares" Ran said boredly, "it was an accident though" Ino said, "accident or not, nobody's going to judge you for that, please don't let it keep you up all night, now come come lay down for go back to sleep" Ran said as he adjusted their positions.

Ino was entrapped in Ran's arms as he played with her hair, "you're going to grow your hair back right?" Ran asked stifling a yawn, "yeah I will" she replied slowly falling back asleep, "good" he whispered placing a soft kiss on her forehead as they both fell asleep.

Ran woke up before Ino and got out of bed, he went to wash up for the day before heading straight to the kitchen, "morning" Ran greeted as he took a sit next to Rindou, "morning" everyone except for Mikey who wasn't present greeted, "I'm guessing Ino is in your room" Kakucho stated, "yeah she's still asleep, she entered my room last night because she couldn't sleep" Ran explained, "I'm just glad she's back" Mochi said as he drank his coffee.

"Good morning" Ino yawned and greeted everyone as she entered the kitchen with Mikey, "I thought you said not to wake her?" Takeomi questioned, "I didn't wake her, we met in the passage" Mikey explained as he wrapped his arms around Ino, "come have your breakfast" Kakucho said as he served Ino and Mikey "thank you" Ino smiled as she began to eat.

"You must be happy to be back with us right?" Sanzu asked as he pulled up a chair close to her, "yeah I missed you guys" she said truthfully, "who did you miss more?" Sanzu asked further as he lifted her onto his lap, "Sanzu let her eat" Rindou scolded, "shut up jellyfish" Sanzu bit back as Ino began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Sanzu asked, "nothing I just missed this" she smiled "it's good to have you back you really brighten up the atmosphere" Mochi smiled at her, "we'll be going back to Japan later in the evening, so you can relax till then and maybe... put on a some actual clothes, if that sweater goes any higher who knows what we'll do" Ran said as Ino blushed, "only your eyes would go there" Kakucho said smacking his head.

"We have clothes and anything else you'll need in Kakucho's room, you can go get changed after breakfast" Kokonoi said, "thank you" she smiled.

"Let's watch a movie until it's time to go" Rindou suggested after Ino came out of Kakucho's room, "alright" she smiled as he led her to the living room, she took a sit on Rindou's lap as they began to watch a random movie he found on Netflix, "Ino Ino" Rindou softly called out when he noticed her slowed breathing, "she's asleep" Kokonoi said walking passed them to turn of the television.

"It's time to go is everybody ready to go?" Kakucho asked, "she's asleep but were ready" Rindou said adjusting Ino as he stood up, "are you sure those bastards didn't drug her she's been sleeping alot" Sanzu said, "or she could be pregnant" Ran said "don't say shit like that" Mochi said smacking Rans head, "either way we're taking her straight to Omitsu when we get back to Japan" Takeomi said lighting a cigarette.

"Honestly you should think before you speak" Mikey said irritated as he walked out the door, "let's just go" Kakucho said as they all walked out of the door, Ino stayed asleep in Rindou's until they got to the airport, "you awake?" Kakucho asked as he saw her stir in her sleep, "yeah... where are we going?" She yawned and stretched, "actually we've already arrived at the airport" Sanzu said getting out of the car, "we're heading back to Japan" Rindou said getting out of the car while holding her.

"That's quite the bedhead you got there" Kokonoi chuckled as he saw Ino sleepily rubbing her eyes when Rindou dropped her down, "you look like a baby panda" Mikey commented as he gently patted her head, "c'mon let's go, I'll walk you" Mochi said as he held her hand.

Everyone entered the private jet together, it was expensively furnished and spacious with clustered seats in a four rows, "let's do a puzzle" Mochi said as he handed her a box, "1000 pieces and plane white" she read out, "that sounds kinda frustrating, let me help" Kakucho offered as he sat next to the two of them, "move over I'm helping to" Sanzu said, "there's no space" Mochi said, "I'll carry Ino" he said as he lifted the girl to sit down.

"This puzzle is impossible" Sanzu complained, "it's not even been up to thirty minutes" Kakucho raised a brow, "it must be to much brainwork for someone with such a low IQ" Ran commented, "it is pretty difficult though" Ino said as she tried to find a specific piece, "I can't believe all three of you can't solve a stupid puzzle" Takeomi commented.

"I want to lay down" Ino stretched, "come over here" Mikey ordered and she complied "what about the puzzle?" Mochi asked, "I'm sure the three of you can figure it out" she smiled as she put her head on Mikey's lap, "I'm sure they can't" Rindou snickered as Sanzu stood up and went back to his sit "I'm bored" he said.

Everyone eventually got back to their business either talking to each other or falling asleep, "are you comfortable?" Mikey questioned as he played with her hair, "yeah I am, Mikey don't you think you should sleep?" She asked sitting up, "I'm okay" Mikey said, "no you're not you're eye bags got worse" she said cupping his cheeks as he closed his eyes and melted into her touch, "why don't you lay down" she insisted patting her lap, and he slowly lowered his head to her lap, "when you wake up you better eat something" she said seriously, "I'll think about it" he whispered as he drifted to sleep.

"Do you need anything?" Kakucho quietly asked Ino, "just get something for Mikey to eat when he wakes up" she whispered back, "sure" he said before walking away, "make sure it's nothing sweet" she added.

"Are you hungry?" Ino asked as Mikey opened his eyes, "can I have dorayaki?" He asked, "no" she answered with a smile, "why" Mikey whined, "I'm sure you've been having nothing but sugar, and it's affecting your sleep" she sighed, "that's not true" he fibbed "Kakucho am I right?" She asked when he brought a plate of curry and rice, "I don't think I should get involved in this" Kakucho chuckled as he placed the dishes on the table.

"It doesn't matter you have to finish all this" Ino said pointing to the plates, "you got more bossy" Mikey grumbled as he began to eat, "what was that?" She questioned with a raised brow "nothing" he looked away as Kakucho chuckled and took a sit, "we'll soon be in Japan, just know you're going to the hospital first" Kakucho said to Ino, "but I'm fine" Ino argued, "I know but a check up never hurt, besides Omitsu is really worried about you" Kakucho said convincingly, "oh I understand" she sighed, "don't worry it'll be a quick check up and we'll go home alright" Mikey reassured.

"Excuse me lady and gentlemen, we'll be arriving at the airport soon, so buckle up and prepare for landing soon" the captain announced, "thank goodness I'm tired of being so close to Sanzu" Takeomi commented, "I don't like seeing your fuckin face either" Sanzu replied, "just buckle up" Mochi sighed.

The plane landed safely in the airport and everyone quickly got off, "welcome back to Japan" Ran said happily to Ino, "it's good to be back" she smiled.

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