★ 4 ★

184 11 62


Me: *reading a story where Jimmy is gay*

Me: Awww, I love this story. I want to write gay stuff!
Me: *remembers this chapter exsists* Oooooo

TW: happy people, exploring, gayness


Students flooded the entrance to the school, each one passing through the barrier with ease.

Scott held onto his suitcase as he entered the school. Everything was so cozy and cute, and there were things for both hybrids and humans everywhere.

There were little wooden ledges and bridges above, where many winged hybrids walked calmly. In nooks and crannies, there were some other animal hybrids, like cats and dogs. Pillows and blankets were on ledges made of wood and stone. On a wooden one, two hybrids (a cat hybrid and a dog hybrid) were cuddling together, using both a transgender flag and a gay flag as blankets.

Scott waved and smiled at the hybrids. The dog lifted his- no, wait, transgender- her head and smiled back, catching sight of Scott's 'love is love' pin on his jacket.

Truth be told, Scott was gay. He'd been gay for a while now, and actually really hoped to find his lover here. Everyone seemed so kind and accepting, and nobody had a "men can't love men" shirt.

Scott followed the line of students as they all entered a large cafeteria-looking place. Everyone sat down in different tables. Knowing literally nobody, Scott sat at a yellow round table with three other people- A zombie hybrid with stunning orange hair, another dog hybrid with sunglasses on and a cute boy with dirty-blonde hair and a blue jacket.

Cute? What? No, no, Scott didn't think the boy was cute...

"So, uh- Hi there." The dog hybrid started, leaning back in his chair with his feet up on the table.
"I... guess we should do introductions." sitting up and putting his feet down, the dog hybrid offered a smile.
"I'm Ren. If you haven't already been able to tell, I'm a dog hybrid."
Scott nodded with a smile. The group all said a collective "Hello" to Ren.

"I'll go next, I guess." The zombie hybrid said. She fidgeted with her fingers. "My name's Cleo. I go by she/they pronouns, aaaand I'm a zombie."
After saying hello to Cleo, Scott cleared his throat.

"So, uh- I'm Scott, I go by he/him, and... I'm gay." The others smiled at him. They seemed to accept that he was gay, they didn't call him out or anything like that.

The cute boy went next. He smiled and started talking. Scott tried to hide his blushing face, he'd only just met this guy, but oh god, his voice was cute.

"My name is Jimmy. I go by he/him and uh... that's it!" Jimmy had brown eyes that seemed to glitter in the soft light of the cafeteria. Scott felt himself blushing and tried to hide it by looking away.

"Students, listen up!" The same teacher from before, who had let everyone inside the school, stood atop a chair with their wings spread out. The students all started to quiet down.

"Welcome to your first year at Harmony Academy!" There were cheers and shouts of excitement that quieted down after about a minute.

"You will all be separated into different dorm rooms with three other people. But don't worry! This is a chance to meet new friends. We'll be giving you all your schedules. You are all free to relax on the weekends, finish up homework, study, chill with your friends, sleep in more... anything! This first week, and this first week only, you will all go home for the night. At the end of the week you get to decide whether you'll stay here or go home.
That's about it, so come up and grab your schedules, we'll give you a tour!"

Scott stood up and went to pick up his schedule. On his way there, he found himself standing beside the cute boy, Jimmy.

"Here you are! Your schedule and a map!"


Scott looked up from staring at Jimmy and saw a nice-looking teacher with one side of their hair black and the other white handing out two pieces of paper.

"Oh, uh- Thanks!" Scott took the papers and calmly went back to his suitcase. Grabbing the handle, he dragged it to the stairs and stair-ed (get it? because stairs?) in wonder as they simply turned into an escalator in front of his eyes.

He stepped onto the escalator and started moving upwards. Scott reached floor three and stepped off. In front of him were eight double-doors, each of them with four places for names on the left door, and an empty announcements board on the other.

Scott went up to the third set of doors, a spruce set, and took the piece of chalk by the announcements board. He wrote his name on one of the places for names and placed the chalk back in it's place. 
Scott saw the doors shimmer gently, and his name seemed to be sealed on there. He pushed and the right door opened gently, allowing him access to a large room inside.

Inside there were four doors, and one of them, Scott noticed, had his name written on it. He walked up to it and entered another room, smaller than the first, with a bed in the corner.

"Huh. These must be the dorms." Scott mumbled to himself. He took a few steps inside the empty dorm room and it changed before his eyes. A big 'Love is Love' poster appeared above the doorway, and the bed grew about five times it's size, with loads of pillows and fluffy blankets. 
A large desk popped into existence with one of those chairs that could spin. The plain walls shifted until they were a pale gray-blue colour. 

Scott set down his suitcase with excitement. He saw two black bookshelves out of the corner of his eye and went over to them. The books were exciting novels, LGBTQ2IA+ books, cook books and even Guinness World Records.

 He felt at ease here, like he really belonged. This room was his now. And Scott felt happy in it.

knock knock knock


knock knock knock knock

"All right, all right! I'm up..." Scott sat up in his new bed and yawned. He saw with embarrassment that he'd fallen asleep fully-dressed, and his hair felt a bit messy. Shaking his head, Scott ran to the door and opened it.

"Uh... Hello!" A boy with fluffy blonde hair and a red-and-white t-shirt stood at Scott's door.

"I'm one of your roommates, I just wanted to say hi!"

"Oh, hey there. I'm Scott, it's nice to meet you." Scott held out a hand.

"I'm Tommy." The boy introduced. He took Scott's hand and shook it politely. 

The two smiled at each other. Before they could open their mouths to say anything, the double-doors creaked open and a surprised-looking Jimmy entered. Scott felt himself heating up and quickly tried to control it.

"H-Hi, Jimmy!" He stuttered. Jimmy looked his way and smiled.

"Hey, Scott!" Jimmy waved at Scott and Tommy, then went up to his own door and entered.

Before long, the fourth and final person entered, a short boy with a red sweater and big, parrot-like wings.

The new guy looked up and spotted Tommy and Scott. He waved.

"Hello there!"

"Hi!" Scott waved back with a grin, "I'm Scott, it's nice to meet you."

The new guy went up to his own door. Before entering it, he glanced at Scott and introduced himself, "My name's Grian."

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