★ 6 ★

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TW: croissants, robot person, dog


Pearl sighed with relief as she collapsed onto her bed. It was the free hour in between classes, and she'd decided to lay down for a bit.
And it was only the second day!

Tilly barked a few times and jumped up onto Pearl's lap, licking her face. Pearl laughed loudly and patted her dog on the head.
Deciding to go and meet her roommates- er, dorm-mates or whatever- Pearl sat up and shoved her dog off her lap gently.

"Tilly, come!" She called. Tilly leaped off the bed and was at her side in an instant. Pearl scratched her pet behind the ears and opened the door. Tilly stayed by her side as she walked into the main room.

There were two people already there- a deer hybrid and a zombie hybrid. Pearl smiled and shuffled her wings gently.
The deer hybrid looked up from her book, and smiled at Pearl. The green beanbag she was sitting on looked extremely comfortable.
Tilly, without Pearl telling her to, ran off and jumped onto a bright-blue beanbag. Pearl laughed and joined her dog, wings spreading out halfway.

"Hello!" The zombie hybrid called from the kitchen-like area. She lifted her head and shoved a tray of croissants onto the counter.

"Hi there!" Pearl waved. Tilly jumped off the beanbag and ran up to the zombie hybrid, tail wagging excitedly. The zombie laughed and scratched Tilly gently on the back.

"Tilly!" Pearl scolded. She got up and ran towards her dog, pulling her by the collar.

"I'm sorry- my dog can get excited from time to time-"

The bell rang for the break to be over.

Pearl sighed and walked with Tilly to the room. "Tilly, stay." She commanded. Tilly sat down but tilted her head with confusion and sadness. Pearl grabbed her bag full of books and closed  the door behind her.
Making her way to the potions class, Pearl folded in her wings. She hadn't met the potions teacher yet, and honestly was kind of nervous. But every teacher here seemed nice, so it was fiiiine...

Pearl spotted other students making their way to the potions class. She spread her wings and glided down the steps to the door. Landing softly, she folded her wings in and opened the door.

The first thing she noticed was the room was brightly decorated. There were glass bottles, cauldrons, maps, pieces of paper, and a person- person? looked more like a robot- at the front of the room. They had metal plates for skin, and in between the plates were glowing yellow lines. They wore soft, yellow robe-like clothing.

"Hi!" Their voice was robotic, too, "I'm your potions teacher!"

Pearl smiled and sat down at an empty desk. Within the first few seconds of meeting this teacher, she already started to like potions class.

A few more students entered and Pearl found herself sitting beside the deer hybrid from before.
"Hi," The other hybrid smiled. Pearl smiled back.

"Alright! Time for introdu̶̱̳̅̊ͅć̵͕̪̥̼̬͛̆̋͠t̶̯͍̖̦̃̅ions!" The robot-person glitched out for a moment.

"Yyyyyou!" The teacher pointed to a boy with orange-brown hair. The boy looked surprised for a second, but cleared his throat and introduced himself.

"I- uh- I'm FWhip?" 

"It is nice to meet you, FWhip." Mr. Potions Teacher spoke happily, "Next up!"
Next there was a tall guy with fluffy brown hair and a white-and-black mask.

"I'm Ranboo," He said quietly. The next few people introduced themselves as Sausage, Jimmy, Katherine, Tommy, Owen, Skizz, Scott, Tubbo, and Cub.
Now it was Pearl's turn.

"My name is Pearl Xelqua-Moon, but you can call me Pearl. I'm a bird hybrid and I have a dog named Tilly." Pearl said, lifting her wings about two or three inches to demonstrate. There was a collective mumble of "hello Pearl"s and "hi Pearl"s.

"And- um- I'm Gem Taylor, or just Gem. I'm a deer hybrid and... that's it!" The deer hybrid went next. She offered a warm smile to the teacher.

The teacher, smiled back.

"Alright! Now that we've finished the introductions, it's time for class!"


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