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Everything hurt.

By everything, he really meant everything. His legs, his head, his arms, his other scrapes...
But... somehow he felt safe. Safe and warm and cozy. His bed never felt like this.

No... this... wasn't his bed. This wasn't his bed at all!

Scar opened his eyes and saw white curtains. After closer inspection, he found he was in a... hospital-type bed.
There were two people at his feet. Or, it sounded like it.

"Is he going to be okay?" A voice asked, sounding worried. Scar heard a small meow and automatically thought it was his cat.

"I'm... not sure. I've done the best I can, me and Nhonni both have." A second voice replied, sounding a bit muffled.

"Do you think his parents are worried?" The first voice questioned. There was another meow.

"I don't think his parents liked him very much... Why else would he have these scrapes untreated?"

Scar let out a soft groan, trying to find out where his cat was by patting the bed around him. He felt a fluffy nose nudge under his hand and Scar saw Jellie purring as he petted her.

"He's awake!"

"Oh, thank goodness..."

The person belonging to the second voice ran off, while the first came into view. He had black hair and green eyes, he was wearing black glasses that nearly fell off his nose.

"Are you okay?" The person asked softly.
Scar nodded slowly and scratched Jellie behind the ears, beginning to feel a bit more calm.

"Hey... what's your name?" The boy questioned in a gentle tone.

"I'm..." Scar took a moment to clear out his throat, "My name's Scar." He mumbled.

"It's nice to meet you- I'm Cub." Cub smiled. Scar smiled back.

"I'm here! I'm here! What's happened?" A new, different voice popped in.

"He's woken up!" Cub informed the nurses(Scar assumed they were nurses), getting up from his position of sitting on the floor next to the hospital bed.

"Oh, good- can he talk?" Cub nodded, glancing at Scar.

"That's great. Now, you, Cub, should get to class. Plants, right? Science? Yeah, that. It starts in five minutes. Go go go!"

Cub grabbed some stuff from off the side table and ran quickly out of the area. Scar heard a door open and close. Jellie meowed loudly as he stopped petting her for about 0.3 seconds.

"Does your head hurt? Do your scrapes hurt?" The muffled voice asked. Scar struggled to sit up, and when he did Jellie jumped onto his lap.

"My... My legs hurt..." Scar mumbled.

"Ah. I see..." There were two people in front of him. One wore a black mask over their mouth(explaining the muffled voice), and the other had long hair with a flower crown.

"We're the doctors, by the way." The nurse with long hair smiled.

"I'm... Scar." Scar spoke softly and slowly. His voice was hoarse and sounded broken.

"Alright. Can you see? Can you walk?" The other asked, examining the scrapes on Scar's arms.

"I..." Scar winced as Jellie curled up on his legs, "I... haven't been able to walk for... a long time..."

The first flinched, sympathy growing in her eyes. 
"We need a wheelchair, don't we?" She asked the doctor with worried eyes.

"Yep. Get three of different sizes, we'll see which one works." He responded calmly, "Don't worry, Scar. You'll be fine before long."

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥 ★ A MCYT School AUWhere stories live. Discover now