★ 21 ★

77 6 23


yayyyy i've been struggling with this chapter forever

TWs: eww romance, thunder storm, drowning, blood, more blood, unconciousness


Jimmy gasped as a flower crown was placed on his head. He smiled at Scott happily. Around him was the rest of the group- Martyn, Skizz, Impulse, Gem, Pearl, Grian, Doc, Etho, Joel and Lizzie- all getting ready to enter the forest.

"Everyone over here!" Etho called, fidgeting with his hands. "I'm going to assign you into groups. We're going to split up to look for Bdubs." A few people cheered.

"Okay. Impulse, Skizz, Gem, Pearl." The four snapped to attention, already gathering in a small huddle, "You four look on the left side. Joel, Doc, Scott, Martyn. Go for the middle of the forest. Jimmy, Grian, myself and Lizzie will check the right side. Everyone ready?"

"Jimmy?" Scott placed his hands on Jimmy's shoulders, making them both blush a bit. "If one thing in that forest even touches you I swear I will kill everything there." His expression faded from serious to a bit worried.

"Don't worry," Jimmy murmured with a smile, "I'll be fine." He placed a kiss on Scott's cheek and went to meet up with Lizzie, Etho, and Grian.

"You're red as a tomato, Tim!" Grian laughed. Lizzie smirked, looking her brother up and down.
Etho rolled his eyes, though Jimmy could tell he was smiling under the mask.

"Meet back here in an hour!" Etho yelled, leading his group away to the forest. Jimmy waved to his boyfriend as he vanished from sight.

The four travelled on edge, and multiple times Grian thought he saw something, causing the whole group to stop and whip around nervously. The air was getting more humid and cold the more they went on.

Jimmy squinted when he saw something shimmering. "Hey, look!" He said, running to the edge of what looked to be a lake of some kind. "Water!" Lizzie appeared beside him and dipped a hand into the lake, bringing it up quickly and splashing Jimmy in the face. The blonde spluttered and wiped his eyes, turning to kick water at his sister.

"Oh..." Etho mumbled. Jimmy looked up, tilting his head in confusion. Etho was holding a broken phone, the screen shattered. "It's Bdubs's phone." He confirmed sadly. Grian patted the taller on the shoulder a few times.

Something shiny caught the corner of Jimmy's eye and he looked back at the lake. He took a few steps deeper into the water, begining to search with his hands.

"What is it, Timmy?" Grian asked.

"I think I saw something!" Jimmy trekked even further until it was up to his hips.

"Jimmy, theres a storm coming, I wouldn't recommend going any deeper!"

"But I saw something, Lizzie! I saw something shiny!" Jimmy bent over to look for watever he was looking for, the waves lapping at his chest.

"No, Tim, I think she's right!" Grian shouted, his voice nervous. "TIM!"

"I'm fine, Grian, I just-" Jimmy turned around and found himself farther from the shore than he expected. The water was up to the top of his belly now, and it only grew with the stronger waves. The tide tugged at his feet, making him slip over in the water.

"JIMMY!" Lizzie shrieked. Jimmy struggled, swimming upwards with all his might. His head broke the surface, and he saw himself being dragged away by the harsh current. Thunder boomed overhead, and rain pelted his head.

"No- L-LIZZIE!" Jimmy coughed, trying to keep his head above the big waves. "HELP M-!" He was cut off by being pulled under again, this time so far he could barely see the light of the surface. Jimmy fought the current, his hand reaching upwards desperately.

No no no!

Bubbles burst from his nose, and Jimmy accidentally inhaled water in his panic.


Darkness began to crowd his vision. Jimmy lost the last of his breath in a bunch of bubbles. His limbs felt sore and tired, and his eyelids drooped. His mind became foggy and finally, he succumed to the water.

Skizz could hear Impulse's breath speeding up rapidly, pulling him into a hug. The skulkified person in front of them was grinning wickedly, skulky claws flexing.
In front of the two were Pearl and Gem, both weilding swords.

"Isn't this just so fun?" The skulk person chuckled, voice eerily distorted.

"What have you done with Bdubs?!" Gem demanded, stepping closer.

"The little moss boy? Oh, he's fine. Gave up a while ago waiting, actually."

"What...? What do you mean 'gave up'?" The doe hybrid lowered her sword a bit.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" The skulkified person snarled and took the opportunity to grab Gem's arm, securing her in their grip. "Why don't you find out for yourself? It wouldn't take long, based on how utterly stupid these kids are."

"DON'T HURT HER!" Impulse blurted out, pushing Skizz away but still holding onto him.

"Oh," The skulky person said in a dull tone, "You didn't die yet. Well, we can always fix that." A strand of the black plant wrapped around Impulse's leg and tugged him forwards. The skulky person smirked widely and slashed their claws at Impulse's neck. He fell to the ground.

"IMPULSE!" Skizz cried, hands slapping over his mouth and new tears threatening to fall. He ran to his best friend's side and tried to wake him, or stop the bleeding, or something.
Impulse was barely breathing. It looked like he was trying to speak, but anytime he tried to, all that happened was he bled more. Eventually he just pointed to Gem and Pearl and gently shoved Skizz in that direction.

A scream of pain.

I'm too late, Skizz realized, standing and whipping around. Gem was holding her doe ears with blood-covered hands, taking shaky steps backwards.
Pearl looked up at the sky. She fell over on her back roughly after lightning filled the sky. Her pupils looked... smaller than normal.

"Not now!" Pearl hissed, clutching her head. The skulk person snorted with laughter and raised their claws to strike the Watcher.

"NO!" Skizz darted inbetween the two.

The blow hit him across the chest.

He stumbled away, world spinning. His limbs and head felt numb. So numb in fact, he almost didn't notice he was on the ground.

A loud ringing filled his ears, blocking out the evil laughter from the skulk person and the shouted pleas from...


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