★ 17 ★

51 5 3



TWs: mental breakdown, crying, swears, fluff <3


"SKIZZ!" Impulse called desperately. His heart fluttered in his chest like a bird trying to fly away.
He continued to walk along the trees, stopping every now and then to listen for a response.

"SKIZZ! " By now, Impulse was begining to think he should just give up. Go back to the school. Surely Skizz was fine. In fact, he was probably at the school again, waiting for him.


Something told him Skizz wasn't at the school. His friend was somewhere here, somewhere, alone, cold, scared...

Impulse sank to his knees, doubt and fear overwhelming him. Skizz was nowhere to be found.

Where is he? Is he hurt? Is he dead? What if he's dead? No. No, he's not dead, just lost. Yes. Lost. Skizz is lost. I need to find him.

Impulse tried to move but... couldn't.

I need to find him!

Something was stopping him from getting up. Small, dark tendrils of some kind of plant. They took his wrists in their grasp and trapped him against the earth.

Is this what happened to Skizz?

Impulse felt himself begin to panic. Hot tears started to pour down his cheeks.

Give up.

Voices crowded his mind, replacing his thoughts with their words.

Give up.


He's gone.

It's worthless.

You're tired.

Give in.

"N-no-" Impulse choked out a sob. "He can't be gone..." The plant wrapped around his arms and legs, nearly covering them completely. They began to crawl up his neck and back, and he collapsed.

Give up.

Give in.

You are welcome here.

We welcome you.

Come with us.

Come to us.

Give in.

He's gone.

He's gone.

He's gone.

The voices sang cheerfully in low, husky whispers.



You can hear him because he's dead.

He's dead.

He's gone.

A ghost.

He's a ghost.

"Impy! Can you hear me?"

He's dead.

He's dead, dead, dead.



He died waiting for you.


Impulse wanted to scream. He wanted to sob. He wanted to die. He felt hopeless.

Skizz is gone.

Skizz is gone.

Skizz is gone.

"Impulse, stay with me buddy!"


That confused him. Why would he stay with Skizz?

Because you're dying. Like him. He's dead.

The voices seemed to become his thoughts.

I'm dying. I'm going to see Skizz again. He's already dead.
He's telling me to stay with him because I'm not really dead yet.

"S-Skizz-" He choked. He couldn't feel anything but his thoughts.

The black tendrils, He remembered, They're saving me. Taking me to Skizz. To a better place. With Skizz.

He's there. He's there.

"What's happening to him?!" Jimmy yelped.

"I- I don't know! I found him like this, he-" Skizz's heart was thundering. He couldn't tear his gaze from Impulse's broken body.

"Impulse, stay with me buddy!" He begged. Impulse didn't seem to hear, looking weak and nearly covered with some kind of black root.

"S-Skizz-" Something about Impulse's voice was... off. It sounded layered, as though it wasn't really him.

"We have to stop this plant!" Jimmy concluded. He began to tear at the black stuff, ripping out a large chunk of it. He threw it to the ground and stomped on it mercilessly.
Skizz helped him, taking it apart and freeing Impulse from it. At one point Impulse's eyes had closed, and Skizz tore at the plant faster.

"We're doing it!" Jimmy gasped. Skizz ripped the black plants from his friend, and eventually he was uncovered enough that Jimmy and Skizz could pull him up from the ground. Skizz leaned his friend onto his shoulder, relieved.

"We have to get out of this forest."

"But- but Cub's still missing!"

"FORGET CUB!" Skizz shouted, angry. "HE GOT US INTO THIS F***ING MESS!"

Jimmy looked alarmed. He glanced at Impulse's pale face and his gaze softened.

"...Fine. Let's get out of here."

Martyn let out a soft grumble as his eyes blinked open. They quickly adjusted to the sudden bright light and he noticed some kind of oxegyn mask covering his nose and mouth.


The Listener looked to his side and saw Ren, tightly holding his hand in his grip and looking worried.
"Martyn! Oh my goodness, dude, you're alright!" His voice was hoarse with relief.

"...Ren." Martyn cracked a smile.

"I- I was- Oh heavens- I was so scared- I'm sorry-" Ren looked away, one or two tears rolling down his cheeks.

Flashbacks of his last few memories crowded Martyn's mind. Falling. Struggling to breathe.

He saved me.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥 ★ A MCYT School AUWhere stories live. Discover now