★ 12 ★

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hmm new chapter

yey no more writers block

TWs: blood, party, music, grian

here we go-


"The party starts in about ten minutes," Jimmy whispered to his new friend, Joel, excitedly. "The class ends in two. So we'll have eight minutes to wait or get stuff ready or something."

"I know." Joel hissed back, "You've told me forty times."

"I'm excited! This is exciting!" Jimmy protested.

On his other side, Grian leaned back in his chair and sighed. "Let Joel work, Timmy." The parrot hybrid closed his eyes calmly.

Jimmy snorted at the nickname, crossing his arms.
"I'm just excited-"

"DONE!" Joel slammed his pencil on his desk and let out a sharp laugh, making Grian jump slightly.
The school's bell rang throughout the classroom.
"Just in time, too!" Jimmy laughed. He grabbed his school bag and hooked it over his shoulder, standing and waiting for his friends.

Grian got up quickly and raced towards the exit, talons clicking on the tiled flooring.

"Hey! Wait for me, nerds!" Joel yelped, running after. The three followed each other until they reached the stairs. 

"Ooooh," Jimmy mumbled, spotting some colourful balloons on the banister. Grian poked one and jumped back as it popped, scattering balloon parts everywhere.

"Grain! Jeez!" Jimmy turned and saw another bird hybrid. Her wings were a soft blue colour mixed with some purple near the ends and tips. Darker indigo feathers were scattered around the centers of her wings. She had light brown hair with golden highlights that shimmered in the afternoon sun. 

"Who's this, G?" Joel questioned, confusion in his tone.

"This is my sister." Grain answered proudly, "This is Pearl."



Scar heard cries and shouts of excitement filling the air as he wheeled around the fifth floor, turning a corner and seeing a group of people crowding around what seemed to be the doors of a ballroom. He suddenly felt overwhelmed. There were so many people. Scar backed up near a wall and looked around, trying to spot Cub.
He recognized one person wearing a dark gray mask with white hair that had passed him in the halls. That person now was leaning against a wall fidgeting with some kind of paper ninja star.

"Hey! Scar!" Scar lifted his head, spotting Cub beside some other people. Cub waved him over with a grin. Scar let out a sigh of relief and started to make his way towards his friend. 

"Hi." Scar glanced around at the other people warily. 

"Everyone, this is my friend Scar. Scar, this is Ren, Scott, and Impulse." Cub introduced the people one by one. 
Ren's sunglasses reflected some of the light that shined from a small chandelier. He was sipping something out of a cup with a straw, but paused to offer a toothy smile. Scott nodded to Scar politely, smoothing out his denim jacket. Impulse wore an oversized, dark gray shirt with a yellow letter "i" on it.
Scar felt a bit more calm. Everyone here seemed nice.



People started to screech as the doors opened. Scar heard someone bellow "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAAAAID!" and snickered. The students all pushed and shoved to be one of the first in the party room, letting out wails as they bumped into each other. Eventually the hallway cleared up and most of the people had entered. 

Scar found himself alone with Cub and suspected the others had thrown themselves into the chaos.

"Well. Let's follow them, shall we?" 

Scar nodded, sharing a look of excitement with Cub.

"Let's go."

The colourful lights dazzled Lizzie's eyes. She shook her head, trying to see properly. The cup in her hands nearly splashed juice on somebody's shirt.

"Watch it!" They snarled. Lizzie's eyes widened and she back away, mumbling multiple "sorry"s under her breath.

Her head began to throb as the music blasted from the stage. She leaned against a wall, feeling close to tears with a hand on her forehead.

"Uh- Hello? You okay? Can you hear me?" Lizzie looked up with a jolt of surprise. Some boy was standing in front of her, a worried expression painted on his face.

"I- I'm- I'm alright..." Lizzie tripped over her words. She stole a glance towards her injured palm, realizing that her whole arm was running with blood. She must have hit the palm on something... but what

The boy said another sentence but Lizzie couldn't hear him. She couldn't hear the loud music anymore. Couldn't hear the screeches of alarm as she fell into a deep, dark slumber.


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