★ 7 ★

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*casually makes teacher names*

TWs: Description of shape-shifting (skin melting into skin)


Ren sighed as he looked over his schedule. It was going to be a busy day today.

The first half of the day included Transformation (whatever that was), then Art, Science, Gym, English and Math.
Ren scooped up his books and schedule, than started making it to the nearest teacher to find out where Transformation class was.

He spotted a robot, teacher-looking person wearing a yellow robe and went up to them.

"Um, excuse me?" Ren asked, "Could you point me to wherever transformation class is?"

"Hm?" The robot-teacher-person turned to Ren, "Oh! Hello!" Their voice was slightly robotic, "To get there you must follow the staircase at the end of the hall, it will lead you to a tower. The third room to the right is where transformation is held."

"Oh- Thank you!" Ren smiled at the teacher-looking-robot-person-guy and continued on. He made it up the few flights of stairs and saw five rooms on either side of a big, round room. The dog hybrid entered the third door to the right and saw a big, open room with a big balcony at the end of it. The roof was basically a glass dome, sun shining through.

There was a big, round table in the corner, but most of the room was just and empty floor. Whatever wasn't empty floor was a balcony or pillows and blankets.

Looking over the edge of the balcony was a dragon hybrid. Ren set down his stuff on the table and took a seat on some pillows. Soon other students began to enter the room.

A deer hybrid, two bird hybrids and a vexling.

The dragon hybrid turned. A look of mixed disappointment and shock filled her gaze.

"Wow. I wasn't expecting anyone, to be honest. Uh- Hello! I'm Ms. Bright, and I teach your transformation class!"
She offered a smile, before spreading large dragon wings and getting started with the lesson.

"Alright. Here you might see that deer in the crowd- that's my friend, you can call him Mr. Fern, and your part-time biology teacher. Mr. Fern, get up here." The deer hybrid looked surprised for a moment, but stood up willingly, walking over to Ms. Bright, hooves clicking.

"Now, in transformation class, you transform, as the name suggests. All of you here are able to transform, whether you know it or not." Ms. Bright started, glancing at Mr. Fern. 
"Watch. Fern, go!"

Mr. Fern's form suddenly shifted, their arms melting into their skin and their orange hair becoming brown fur. Soon where he had been stood an elegant-looking deer, massive dark antlers crowning it's head.

Ren shared a collective gasp with the other students. After about a moment, the deer shifted back into Mr. Fern themselves. Ren sat agape, disbelief clouding his mind.

"Now. As you saw Mr. Fern, you will also be able to transform. I can transform into a full-on dragon, but that's for another day."

"No, no! Show us! Please!" One of the bird hybrids called excitedly. Wyvern smiled.

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