★ 8 ★

106 9 23

TW: starving, self harm

angst angst angst



The final bell rang. With a sigh, Lizzie got up to go to her dorm room. She passed by a bunch of other students and one of them stepped on her foot. Lizzie stepped back with a small "ouch!" and waited for the crowds to part and become calmer.

Her stomach growled loudly. Lizzie hadn't been eating properly lately, and blamed it on the amount of homework she had to do.

But, to be honest, she was a great student and never really had any homework.

Lizzie made her way up the stairs to the dorm rooms. She went up to her set of doors- warped wood- and entered calmly.

There were two people there already- a zombie hybrid and a bird hybrid. The zombie hybrid had a tray of fresh croissants on the counter.

As she started walking to her dorm room, Lizzie paused and self-consciously asked, "Can I have one?"

"Pardon?" The zombie hybrid asked, seeming to not have heard Lizzie properly.

Lizzie realized her mistake and shook her head.
"Nothing..." she mumbled, opening the door of her dorm room and stepping inside, closing it behind her.

She set down her stuff on a nearby table and collapsed onto her bed. The bed was fluffy and Lizzie sank right in, cherishing the warm feeling she felt in the covers.

She saw something shiny out of the corner of her eye and caught sight of a pair of scissors.

Lizzie reached out and snatched the scissors. She held out her left palm and spread the scissors apart.

"I am not going to eat as much. I will not ask for food." With that, she sealed the vow by slicing the scissors across her wrist. It was painful, and Lizzie closed her hand into a tight fist, clenching her teeth.

She looked down and saw a line of raw skin where she'd cut. It wasn't very deep, but it was painful. Lizzie sighed and placed the scissors on her table again. She gathered her personal things in her home bag.
Setting down the backpack, Lizzie exited the dorm room.

Now, outside, the zombie hybrid had gone and the bird hybrid was speaking quietly with a deer hybrid.
A fluffy white dog was rolling around on the carpet with a cute, goofy-looking face.

The bird hybrid looked up and smiled, "Hello!" She called to Lizzie.

"Hi there." Lizzie smiled back.

"My name's Pearl, and that's my dog, Tilly!" Pearl introduced herself. Upon hearing her name, Tilly barked loudly.

"I'm Lizzie. It's nice to meet you." Tilly got up and ran to Lizzie, making happy growling noises. Lizzie stroked the dog on the head, which made Tilly quiet down a bit and snuggled Lizzie's legs.

"Hi, Lizzie." The deer hybrid looked up with a smile, "I'm Gem."

"And I'm Cleo!" The zombie hybrid gently closed her door and smiled. Lizzie jumped a bit, surprised, but calmed down and started laughing.

-- After School Hours --

The hospital doors opened slowly with a creak. A worried-looking vexling poked his head inside. He shut the doors behind him and took a couple steps inside.

Making his way down the isles of beds, he looked around carefully. Finally spotting the bed he was searching for, Cub took a seat on a stool beside it. The afternoon sun shined through one of the windows, flooding the area with it's warm rays.

The patient in bed seemed to be asleep, a cat purring on his lap.

"What are you doing?" Cub jumped in surprise. One of the doctors was standing there, confusion in their gaze.

"I- Uh, I-"

"It's after school hours! You should be going home." 

Cub looked down at his feet. "I just wanted to see if he was alright." He mumbled. The doctor sighed, running a hand through their green hair.

"I can tell you when he wakes up. But you should go before the school doors lock." 

The patient in bed shifted ever so slightly. He reached a hand out to Cub.

"No. Stay..." His voice sounded broken, and he kept it low. Cub smiled and held the other vexling's hand in his own.

"Fine. You can stay. But at the end of an hour, you better be out of here." The doctor turned to walk away. "Call me if anything bad happens." Cub nodded. As the doctor left, the patient cracked a smile.

"Hello. My name's Cub. I was here last time, remember? Did you say your name was Scar?" Cub spoke softly. The other vexling, Scar, nodded slowly.
His cat woke up with a small meow.

"Do you know when... I'll... be out of here?" Scar asked, pausing to take a deep breath in the middle of his sentence. 

Cub shook his head. "I'll find out from the doctors for you. But probably sometime soon." He said hopefully.

Scar stroked his cat gently. He noticed the oxygen tubes and blinked with a confused expression. 

"What... are these?" He asked. Cub looked up with a soft "hmm" noise.

"They look like oxygen tube things. I think they help you breathe. And maybe don't take them out yet-!" Cub added quickly as Scar reached up to pull them out.

Scar lowered his hand. 

"...says he's doing alright, but we should keep him here for at least a-" The two doctors stopped their conversation abruptly as they entered the small area.

"Cub, you should get going now. Tomorrow's going to be a big day." The doctor with a flower crown smiled as she spoke. The ends of her hair were dyed a soft green colour and she wore a dark green sweater.

Cub frowned. He looked at Scar and smiled a bit. "Alright. See you tomorrow, Scar."

"See you tomorrow... Cub..."

This took an unreasonably long time XD

My bad

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