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TWs: Kids running,


a certain someone will be very excited with this chapter


Martyn checked his schedule between the halls, setting down his bag of stuff on a nearby table.

"Okay, okay. Alright. Gym... for an hour. Got it. I can make it there in time."

He shoved his schedule back into his bag, grabbed it, spread his outlines of green wings, and flew away.

"Gym... gym... where's the gym?!" He mumbled to himself.
 Spotting a large room below, he landed and entered. There were other students there and some were rushing past him.

Martyn heard someone calling his name and spotted Ren, who looked very happy. Martyn smiled and went to sit beside him.

"Alright." The person with the coral shirt who Martyn had seen earlier turned and walked up in front of the group of students sitting down.

"Introductions. And we should make it quick, we've got an hour. You! Start us off. Tell us your name and something about you." He pointed directly at Martyn.

"Wha- Huh-? Me? Oh- um, okay. I'm Martyn and... I..." Martyn's eyes darted around the room. He saw some bird hybrids. 

Others... like him?

Maybe... if he...

"I... I'm a Listener." Martyn heard a few quiet hisses and growls. He let his green outlines of wings solidify and they turned into what looked like pale sheets of glass in the form of wings.

Ren made an "ooooo" sound.

The person at the front nodded, as though he'd seen this before. "Fun fact," He said confidently, "The principal of this school is a Listener."

"Wait- really?!" Martyn couldn't stop his words and they burst out of his mouth.

"Yep. I was just talking to them a moment ago. You'll meet them sometime soon. Probably. Anyways, introductions. You!"

Ren looked up, startled from his place of staring at a ladybug crawling up his arm. 

"Me?" A nod from the teacher-person. 

"Alright, I'm Ren. I'm a dog hybrid and I'm pretty cool." Ren raised his hands and pointed finger guns at nobody in particular. His sunglasses, which were on his head, fell over his eyes at the perfect moment, resulting in a few laughs.

"Next. You!"

The introductions went on. 

Ranboo, Tommy, Scott, Cub, Stacy, Etho, Pearl, and Grian.

Pearl and Grian were Watchers, Stacy liked wolves, Etho and Ranboo didn't say anything except who they were, Tommy introduced himself as really-super-awesome-cool, and Scott was gay.

"Right. I'm your teacher, I'm Mr. Sparrow. The other teacher should be arriving soon, but let's explain what's happening today. We're going out to the forest to play manhunt." 

The teacher was interrupted by someone else landing and stumbling into the gym. They nearly fell over and took a seat on a nearby chair, red in the face and gasping for breath. She wore a yellow jacket and a strip of her hair was blue. One of her eyes had two scars over it and the white part of it was a dark blue, nearly black while the pupil was white.

"What- Where's Indigo?" Orange asked the new person, confusion in his tone.

"He- He's sick today. I'm filling in for-" She paused to take a breath, "I'm filling in for him."

"Alright. I was just explaining the rules- um. Everyone, this is the other teacher today and also the vice principal."

"H-Hi." The vice principal's gasps slowed down as she caught her breath. "I'm Forest."

A collective mumble of "hi Forest"'s throughout the students.

"ANYWAYS. So, the rules of manhunt are simple. One person is it, the others run and hide. If you get tagged, you're it as well. But, since this is a bit of an unfair group..." Martyn felt Ren shuffle uncomfortably beside him, "We'll make up some more. No flying, no shapeshifting, and no using powers of any kind. Now, split up into groups of two." As soon as Mr. Sparrow had finished talking, the students started to chatter and shuffle around.

The teams were: Ranboo and Tommy, Grian and Pearl, Martyn and Ren, Etho and Scott, and Stacy and Cub.

Etho and Scott were chosen as it, and the group followed Mr. Sparrow and Forest to the actual forest.

"Right. Everyone except Etho and Scott get a fifty-second head-start. GO!"

Cub sprinted, Stacy at his side. They weaved around trees and under huge roots. At one point Stacy tripped on a root and sprained her ankle, but after a moment she was able to run again. Now the two were hiding in a hollow under a tree's roots. The space was cozy and well-hidden. 

A loud screech echoed through the woods. Cub shivered.

"Somebody's been found." Stacy mumbled. Cub nodded and shuffled a little bit closer to the trunk of the tree.

A soft growling noise grew closer to where Stacy and Cub were hiding. Cub nervously fiddled with his fingers. Slow footsteps thumped against the earth, and for a moment paused. 

Ren poked his head under the roots and grinned. "Hey dudes!" He spoke softly.

"Uh- Hi, Ren. Are you it?" 

"Yep!" Ren cheerfully answered with a smile. Stacy backed up a bit.

"Um, we have to uh- go. Now. C'mon Cub." Stacy stood and pulled Cub to his feet. 

"Where ya goin'?" Ren asked, standing up.

"Uh- going to find the last few people?" Stacy offered. Ren's smile vanished and he narrowed his eyes.

"That's not true. Because you are the last few people." Ren snarled, teeth shimmering in the soft sunlight.

Stacy backed away slowly, laughing nervously. Ren howled loudly and leaped, landing right on top of Stacy and falling over.
Cub took the moment to run, feeling bad for leaving Stacy behind.
He heard footsteps and shouts after him and he ran faster,  accidentally slipping and falling over.

"I FOUND HIM!" Uh-oh. Cub looked up and saw Grian running towards him. Cub let out a sigh of defeat, but, surprisingly, Grian grabbed Cub's arm and pulled him up, continuing to run.

"Wh- What's going on?" Cub asked.

"I'm not it, and I'm ninety-nine percent sure you aren't either." Grian called, leaping over a fallen log.

"OVER HERE!" Someone shouted. Cub turned his head and saw multiple people running after him and Grian.

"Run!" Grian screeched. 

"I AM RUNNING!" Cub yelled.


"I C- AAAAH!" 

In front of him, Pearl jumped out of a bush, wings flared upwards in a way that seemed menacing. She made a hissing noise and reached forwards, tagging Cub but missing Grian as he hopped out of the way.

"Aww, mannn..." Cub smiled and shook some mud off his coat. 

"Well, are we chasing him or not?!" Pearl asked, folding in her wings. Cub nodded and the two ran together through the dense forest.

*casually removes all of the previous teachers except forest because forest amazing*

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