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new chapter i guess

TWs: Tommy jumpscare, fire, mentions of death, tragic backstory

i'm so sorry its really hard to write about a member of dsmp after what wilbur did D:


Scott groaned and struggled to roll over. He felt comfy and cozy.

Until he realized he wasn't in his bed.

Scott gasped as he sat up. He was half-buried in blankets in someone's dorm room. His mind was fuzzy and his arm throbbed for some reason.
A soft snoring above him drew his attention. Jimmy. A very asleep Jimmy on the bed above Scott.

What.... happened last night...?  Scott thought, confusion nearly overwhelming him. He remembered board games, music, screams of excitement and of fear... drinking something orange in colour... 

Scott felt a jolt of fear as Jimmy rolled over, his cute face poking out from the pillows.
He had to leave.

Trying to get out of the blankets took around five minutes. Well, more like seven if you counted the getting-stuck-in-a-burrito.
Trying to find the door  took another two somehow.

Scott closed the door softly behind him. He sighed with relief and turned to go to his own dorm when-

"What were you doing in there?"

"AA-!" Scott cut himself off mid-scream. He didn't want to wake Jimmy.
Tommy was leaning toward the gay man, a cheeky grin on his face.

"What- nothing! None of your buisiness!" Scott replied in an angry whisper.

"Mmm-hmmm." A knowing smile crossed Tommy's lips. "Right. Well anyways," He continued before Scott could object, "There's a cafe party thing downstairs. Started at nine, so...  about two hours ago."

Two hours? It's eleven o'clock already?! Scott realized, That party must've been long.

"If you need me I'll be there. 'Kay, bye!" Tommy left the main dorm quietly.

Scott scurried off to his personal dorm, sighing with relief as he shut himself inside.

"Dad!" Grian and Pearl squeaked with excitement as their father entered the home.

"Hey, my little Watchlings!" He exclaimed, wrapping the little bird hybrids in his arms.

"We missed you, Dad!" Pearl spoke in a happy voice. Grian nodded, hugging his sister and his father close.

"I've been gone for only a few hours!" Dad laughed his cheery laugh. He caught Mom's worried smile and put down the kids.

"You two, run to the garage for me real quick? There's a surprise for you in there." Grian and Pearl giggled and ran off. Grian stopped halfway and hid behind a wall, curious of what his parents were saying.

"...make it in the attack. We have to keep them safe." Mom's voice sounded worried. It confused Grian. Mom was never worried.

"Of course. The godparents won't be involved in the battle, will they? The children can live with them."

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