Chapter 2 - Eleven

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"Happy Eleventh Birthday pup"

I wake up to the smell of pancakes and my dad standing over my bed with a plate in one hand. I sit up on my bed and he places the pancakes in my lap.

"I know you said you didn't want to celebrate but I had to do something for you big day," he says smiling at me.
"Thanks dad."
"I'll go down stairs and see if there's anymore birthday mail, when you've done you can come downstairs and you can open your presents."

I nod my head shovelling the bacon and maple syrup smothered pancakes into my mouth. My dad leaves the room and I continue to dig into my pancakes. Best I've had yet- he's actually a really good cook. After finishing my pancakes I head downstairs into the living room to find a pile of presents with different wrapping papers along with a stack of cards on the coffee table. I sit down in front of the piles looking curiously through them trying to predetermined what they are and who bought me them.

"Is there anything from cousin pinky?" I plonk myself down next to the coffee table in front of my presents
"There is, along with your aunt and uncle too, the one in the bright pink wrapping is from pinky, then the pile covered in craft paper is your aunt and uncle."

I went to start opening presents but my dad stopped me to take a picture. After taking the photo the letter box clattered presumably with more birthday cards from extended family and family friends (my dad's friends).

"I'll get it."

I walk out of the lounge to the front door where the post sits in a scruffy heap on the floor, I pick it up and take it back with me having a quick flick through as I walk back; some from family, some from family friends as I'd suspected but one stuck out amongst the rest, a school acceptance letter...? I didn't pay much attention to the address line just the wax seal and crest on the back.

"Dad did you apply to a private school for me?"

I hand him the letter and take my place back on the floor, he doesn't look at it but keeps his eyes on me.

"No pup, I didn't why do you think that?"
"The letter I just handed you, it's for Hogwarts, it's a school letter I think."

Dad looked down at the letter shocked for a second but he definitely seemed to recognise it. I start opening my presents as dad stares down at the letter: from pinky there was an assortment of of chocolates such as Bertie bots every flavour beans (my cousin must be magic I can never find them in any shops) and a new charm for my bracelet- a little jack rabbit (I'm collecting charms to represent my family members- this on is perfect for her), from my aunt and uncle there is several records from the best eighties rock bands and Leftoverture by Kansas with "Carry on my Wayward Son" on (which is the best song of all time). I was trying to decide which present to open next I wanted to save grandad's in case he showed up he's been there for a few of my birthdays but the pattern was unpredictable and there was no way of me knowing if he was coming today.

I thought she was squib.
"Dad what's a squib?" I asked turning around to face him, he looked startled
"Sorry pup what did you say?"
"I asked you what a squib was," I tell him as he pulled a funny face.
"A squib is a Muggle child of wizarding family" he says sadly.
"Non-magic people," he takes a deep breath, "you getting this letter to Hogwarts has completely changed everything, I was told when you born it was impossible for you to be a witch that you were squib, but Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry sending you this means they're sking you to attend which means that you're a witch."
"I'm sorry what?"

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