Chapter 43 - McGonnagal

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We all run after Harry as he makes his way back to the castle.

"Harry where are we going?" I ask him.
"We need to speak to Dumbledore he's the only one who can stop this," he tells us.
"Stop what Harry?" Ron asks.
"Snape, he's the one that's trying to get the stone," Harry declares.

I'm not entirely convinced it is Snape but I do agree that someone is after the stone. Eventually after running for longer than I would have liked, we reach Professor McGonnagal's office and finally stop. Harry explains to her how we need to speak to Dumbledore but she brushed us off.

"Professor we know about the philosopher's stone we need to see Professor Dumbledore," I explain hoping that will get us an audience.
"Professor Dumbledore has been called away on business you can not see him, how do you know about the philosopher's stone?"
"Sorry Professor it's need to know," I tell her, "come one guys time for plan B."

I lead the four of us out of McGonnagal's office and then to the room.

"Sky what plan B are you on about," Hermione asks.
"We're going to protect the stone ourselves," I tell them.
"Wait why?" Ron asks.
"Because we cant convince any of the teachers that someone is after the stone and so we're going to have to get through the trap door and get to it first."
"Sky isn't that going to be extremely dangerous the stone will be protected," Hermione points out.
"I thought you three were Gryffindor," I say.

From the look on their face me bringing up the fact that their in the house of courage convinced them.

"What's the plan," Ron  asks.
"Tonight we're going to meet up after curfew, go to the third floor corridor and go and get the stone," I say.
"Sky that's not really a plan," Hermione points out.
"I'll think of it by the time we meet up."

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