Chapter 22 - Troll

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I wasn't exactly how long I was in the girls bathroom waiting for Hermione, talking to her though the stall door. From the growling in my stomach it was at least tea time now, and I'm slightly wishing I could go and eat, but I'll keep my word. Soon enough Hermione comes out of the stall her face extremely blotchy and red, she has a sorrow look on her face.

"You actually stayed?"
"Of course I did I gave you my word, I won't lie I am starving though," she chuckles at my remark, "you wash your face then we'll head to the main hall we might be able to catch the end of tea."

She walks over to the sink and rinses her face with cold water, I stand there patiently waiting for her, I start looking out the window of the bathroom watching as the night sky turns darker. When I hear several toilet stalls smash and Hermione scream I turn my head to see what must be a troll trying to attach us both. Suddenly Harry and Ron burst into the bathroom.

"Hermione move," Harry shouts at her.

The troll continues to smash stalls focusing on Hermione, I start using the levitation spell to throw pieces of debris at the troll, Harry and Ron go with the muggle method of throwing by hand. Our attempts to draw the attention away from Hermione seem to be futile, even shouting at the troll seems to have no benefit. Suddenly the troll focuses on me swinging his club at me, whilst Hermione crawls under the sinks, I'm not entirely sure why she thought that was a better hiding place, I jump back to avoid the hit but bang into to walk dropping my wand and it rolls across the bathroom floor too close to the troll for me to retrieve.

"Help," Hermione shouts after the troll smashes the sinks over her head.

Harry runs forward grabbing onto the club troll and gets risen up into the air.

"You idiot," I shout as he gets raised up higher and higher, "don't let go."

In a genius move Harry shoves his wand up the trolls nose, at this point we're just watching Harry get shaken about on the trolls shoulders until he gets grabbed by the ankles upside down. The troll goes to hit Harry and he manages to dodge it, Ron draws his wand ready to do something. Ron attempts to cast wingardium leviosa in order to get the club out of the trolls hand.

"Swish and flick," Hermione coaches him, when he fails.
"I can't do it," he shouts.
"Yes you can and you need to or Harry is gonna die."
"Thanks Skyla," Harry says.
"Your welcome," I say, "now do it Ron, you're the only one that can save him, remember swish and flick," I tell him whilst miming the movements in reflection for him to copy.

At the last second just as Harry is about to be hit Ron manages to cast the spell efficiently and releases it from the trolls grip, letting it drop on its head. As the troll drops to the floor so does Harry. When the troll is definitely passed out, Harry retrieves mine and his wand along whilst Hermione leaves her hiding spot.

"Erg, troll bogies," Harry complains at his wand, I giggle.

McGonagall gasps as she comes into the bathroom.

"Oh my goodness explain yourselves all of you," McGonagall instructs.
"It was my fault Professor," Hermione lies.
"Her...," I try to speak but she subtly shakes her head so I stay quiet.
"I'd read about them in my books and I thought I would be able to take it on, on my own. If it wasn't for Harry, Ron and Sky, I think I'd be dead."
"5 house points from Gryffindor for your appalling lack of judgement," McGonagall directs at Hermione, "and 5 points to the each of you for you shear dumb luck," she directs at us.

After a short conversation, the Professors other than Quirrel leave, he offered to deal with the troll so we left to head back you our houses.

"Good for you to get us out of trouble like that, once we did save your life mind you, thanks for helping Sky" Ron poorly thanks us both.

Hermione looks at me and we both roll our eyes.

"She might not have needed saving if you hadn't insulted her," Harry tells Ron.
"What are friends for," Ron says to her.
"Come on guys we better get a move on if we want to make it back for curfew."

We start running down the halls laughing just for the sake of it, happy to have friends in this place.

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