Chapter 38 - Detention

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We are led back down to Hagrid's hut by Filch in order to serve detention for being at Hagrid's hut. Is it just me who thinks thats odd. When we get down to his hut Hagrid emerges with fang by his side and a lantern in hand, it's not long before we're separated into two groups of three (Harry, Draco and me as one and Ron, Hermione and Hagrid as the other). We follow Hagrid into the forbidden forest initially before we split up and head off on out own.

"Don't you think it's strange that we are serving detention in the forest when the reason why it's forbidden is because its too dangerous," I say trying to start conversation.
"Wait until my father hear's about this," Draco mutters and I roll my eyes.
"If it was that bad we wouldn't be in here," Harry points out.
"That's true," I agree.

We carry on walking for a little while, I have no clue how long we'll be out here. I walk ahead a little as Harry and Draco stand behind me throwing insults at each other, I flinch when I see a ghostly figure in the distance.

"Guys I think we've found what Hagrid is looking for," I step back towards the boys and whisper.

Harry grabs his scar, the figure must be the reason. I go to step in front of Harry not sure what protection I can provide but I feel I must do something. As the ghostly figures appears to start to attack a massive creature appears from over the hill. It takes me a little while before I realise it's a centaur.

"Cool!" I exclaim excited that what I would have considered mythical creatures exist.

Harry and Draco stand in shock. Over a short period of time the figure disappears the centaur gives some sort of speech to Harry then Hagrid and the others appears out of nowhere. Hagrid greets the centaur and talks to him for a short while. It's not long as we leave the forest after that, clearly finding that figure means its a lot more dangerous now. Hagrid starts explaining what the figure feeding on unicorn blood means, I was so shocked to see the figure itself I didn't even notice the unicorn. I head back up to the castle with Draco whilst the others chat to Hagrid briefly, I'm sure they'll catch me up soon. Draco and I eventually make it back to the castle and head down to the dungeons to our common room. We sit on the couch intended to stay up a little while longer but it's not long before I fall asleep.

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