Chapter 19 - Practice

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Hey Pup,
I'm so proud of you,
I know you won't be aware,
But first years can't even try out,
Making the team is basically impossible,
I may be a Gryffindor,
I know you will crush everyone out on the pitch,
Surely you're imagining things,
Hogwarts can't have such an animal in the school,
Please Pup,
Don't put your self in danger,
I love you pup,
Stay safe,
Keep me updated,

I read the letter that dad sent me then I head off to breakfast (I hate early mornings by the way), I drag Draco along with me not wanting to be lonely.

"Why are you dragging me to breakfast at this ungodly hour?" He asks
"Because I have quidditch practice and I refuse to be the only first year, plus I had a revelation."
"What was it?"
"I realised that last night, when we saw that dog, there was a trap door underneath it, it was guarding something, I can't believe I didn't realise it before but I was so excited about the dog it hadn't really clicked."
"You think Hogwarts is hiding something?"
"I think it might be."
"This place is crazy," he comments and I nod my head in agreement.

After breakfast we make our way down to the quidditch pitch, Draco goes and sits in  the stands, I give him a short wave before I join the rest of the team. I have yet to learn the rules of the game, I don't even Quidditch uniform which the rest of the team seems to be wearing.

"Where's your uniform?" Flint asks me (Snape had previously introduced us).
"I don't have any," I tell him.
"Those house elves are useless, you'll have it in your dorm later this evening, I'll sort them out," I nod.
"I'm not being nice you need it, your gonna have to play in your own clothes for now," he instructs me then turns to the rest of the team, "I want you all practising the manoeuvres we did last year, I'm going to take Skyla here to get a broom, and teach her the game."
"How the hell did she make seeker if she doesn't know the game," one of the boys growls- I don't recognise him.
"Because I'm better than you at flying, according to the Professors anyway," I scowl.

He's not eve seen my flying yet and he's decided I'm not good enough, I don't know if he's sexist or a pig.

"Professor Snape who has seen this whole team and try outs fly has told me that she's the best option, so long as she catches the snitch I really don't care," Flint tells them.

I'm not entirely sure if he was defending me. After a little more instruction, the rest of the team makes their way into the sky and starts practising, I can't lie I have no clue what they are doing. I follow Flint to a store cupboard with the brooms from our lessons in.

"Grab one, it doesn't matter for now you'll get your own soon enough."

I grab the first one I come across. I found myself in the middle of the pitch, the rest of the team flying above.

"Right so there are three types of balls: quaffle, bludger and the olden snitch. Chasers score goals by throwing the quaffle through any of three hoops at the opposite end of the pitch to their keeper who stops the chasers scoring goals, with me so far?" I nod. "Then there's the beaters, they funnily enough beat the bludgers, you'll be in the hospital for a week at least if you get hit by one of those." I cringe at the thought. "Then there's the golden snitch, once it is caught the game ends and the team which catches it wins 150 points, at school level its a guaranteed win, professionally not so much. You're the seeker, its your job to catch it. Do you understand?"
"Catch the small gold ball and don't get hit by the black ones."
"Good, I'm going to release it, I want you to catch it and bring it back to me before the end of practise."
"Surely that's too easy?"
"Not as easy as you would would think Seeker."
"Yes Chaser."
"It's Captain."
"Yes Captain."

He releases the snitch and I set off into the air after a short while and a good a few laps of the pitch I manage to catch it and set myself back down on the ground.

"AGAIN," I hear Flint call from his position in the middle of the sky.

I let it ago again and give it a few seconds to get a head start, similarly again I set off after it and catch it. For the rest of the practice I ran the same drill and I got very comfortable with it very quick. At the end I put my broom back and meet Draco who comes down from the stands.

"Woah Sky, you're brilliant, you could rival the professionals."
"Don't be daft, it was my first practise, you're being nice."
"I'm insulted you think I'd be nice to you," he smirks, "but seriously Sky you have a natural talent."

We head from the pitch and back towards the castle. I'm really starting to think this might be my new home.

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