Chapter 7 - Twain

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The rest of the summer holiday was a blur, between Diagon alley and today I'd managed to do the bridging to year seven content for muggle schools and started on the heavier content (feel free to call me a nerd, I'm used to it). When dad and I arrived at King's Cross Station I started to feel the nerves, I've never gone so long without seeing my dad before and her definitely sensed it.

"Hey pup, listen to me, you can write me letters everyday and Nova will deliver them for you and I'll send you one back every time, I promise, and before you know, you'll be home for Christmas," he gives me a hug before we pull my luggage out of the boot, little does he know I packed the muggle textbooks and school supplies he'd bought me for my birthday before I got the letter.
"Wow these things are heavy," he says lifting them onto a trolley that I swear came from no where.

We head inside to King's Cross and make our way to platforms nine and ten, he'd explained to me at home that we were going to have to run through a brick wall to get to the Hogwarts express, I of course laughed at the absurdity of it, but he wasn't joking. There's no one around when we get there so we immediately started running at the pillar in between platforms nine and ten. I hold my breath waiting for the collision but it never comes and when I open my eyes again there's a twain... wait not sorry a train. It's a beautiful red train and extremely large, I have no clue how this is hidden from King's Cross. We head over to the luggage drop of, where everything is taken away from me including Nova. I spent as much time as I could with my dad, guilt piling up every time somebody else spoke to him obviously recognising him, he probably went to school with most students parents, and I begin to realise that he left his world to raise me. Soon the platform is nearly empty and we take it as my cue to get on the train, I hug my dad goodbye and get on the train quickly before I change my mind.

"BYE DAD," I shout out of the door way before I make my way deeper into the train.

If it was up to me I'd have a compartment to myself but being the last person to get on the train I know that is impossible. I make my way down the train to find the first kind of empty carriage.

"Do you mind if I join you I don't know anybody and your compartment seems relatively empty?"
"Yeah sure, I'm Ron Weasley."
"And I'm Harry Potter."
"Nice to meet you both I'm Skyla," I say while sitting down next to Harry.
"So Skyla what house do you think you will be in?" Ron asks.
"Honestly, I have no idea I only found out I was a witch this summer," I'm starting to feel very awkward.
"Oh you're a muggle born?" Ron realises (incorrectly).
"No, my dad's a wizard but he was told when I was born that I was going to be a squib and so he hid the magic world from me."
"I can't imagine growing up not knowing," Ron says, from the look on Harry's face his experience is similar to mine.
"What house do you think you'll be in Ron?" Harry asks him.
"I don't know, I'm hoping for Gryffindor, my whole family was Gryffindor but I'm not sure I'd make the cut I's a bit of a scaredy cat myself."
"So I've now heard about Slytherin and Gryffindor, are there any more houses?"
I've just been through this with Ron.
"Yes two more," Ron informs me, I think Harry and Ron have just had a similar conversation based on what I heard Harry mumble, "there's also Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff"
"Sorry I got him to repeat that Harry," I say to him.
The boy jumps slightly, "I didn't say anything..."
"Sure you did," I pull a puzzled look at him, "you mumbled 'I've just been through this with Ron.'"
"I thought I'd thought that, but anyway no need to apologise."

The train journey was a while longer, a lady came round with a sweets trolley, Harry offered to by the lot and I chipped in. Soon the three of us dug into the sweets, after a little while, just after Ron failed to show us a spell he learnt, a girl came in rather full of herself, asked us to help find a boy's toad, insulted Ron's spell (I won't lie it was naff but no need to insult him) and then bossed us about telling us to put our robes on and then left, oh wait, she fixed Harry's glasses too. Soon after we changed into out robes, I found them to be extremely weird, they were unlike anything I had ever worn before. The train came to a stop, I stepped out into a whole new world.

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