Chapter 9 - Hat

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After arriving at the castle all the first years pile out of the boats and we make our way up an overly large staircase that leads to a pair of heavy ornate doors. Being the last in the boats I was also the last put so by the time I get to the crowd I notice the Ron, Draco and Harry are mid conversation.

"Some wizarding families are better than others Potter," I hear Draco snarl.
There's some more that I don't quite make out whilst pushing my self to the front.
"I think I can tell the wrong sort for my self thanks," Harry was obviously reffering to Draco, who looked hurt by the comment.
"What did I miss?" I add in
"Draco was just insulting Ron and I was putting him in his place."
"Well good on you for standing up for him," he grins at me, "but there is no reason for you to retaliate in the same way, from what I heard Draco was genuinely offering you friendship, or at least an alliance however misguided his approach was."
"He was rude to Ron."
"You were rude to him."
"Yeah yeah, fair enough."

Out of no where an older witch appeared, she had a stern look on her face, she had also probably heard the whole conversation. Before she could start speaking, a toad ribbeted at her feet and it was followed by a boy shouting "TREVOR," picking him up and scuttling back into the croud.

"Now children, behind me is the great hall, when you walk through these doors you will be sorted into your houses they are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. I'm professor McGonagall, head of Gryffindor. Your house will be your family whilst at Hogwarts, at the end of every year the house cup will be presented to the house with the most point, triumphs will gain you points where asisconduct will loose you them. We're going to go in very soon."

No long after she finished speaking the doors swung open of their own accord and we followed her past four very long tables (I'm guessing one for each house), up to the front where we crowded into the small space provided.

"I will call you name, and when I do you must come up to the front, sit on the stool and I will place the sorting hat on your head."

The whole school was buzzing betting on who and how many each house would get, there was quite a murmer about Harry, but I'm not entirely sure why.

"Hannah Abbot."
"Hermione Granger."

The hat stalled for a little while, from her attitude she obviously thinks she's extremely clever, the hat probably is trying to decide is to put her into Ravenclaw.


I was shocked surely the hat knows being a smart-arse doesn't make you brave...right?

"Neville Longbottom."

The poor lad quivered as he walked up he was absolutely terrified, I recognised his a the boy with the toad.


Gryffindor, how did I make it into Gryffindor
To be honest I'm not entirely sure how either, but just because he's a scary cat now doesn't mean he can't be brave in the future.

"Skyla Lupin-Black."

Nobody steps forward at the call of the name, the whole of first year is looking at each other trying to coax the girl out.

"Is'nt that you?" Harry asks from besides me.
"No, our first names are the same but that's not my last name," I tell Harry, when I look away Professor McGonagall is stood right next to me.
"Hello professor," I look at her, her face is unamused.
"I just called your name Skyla, why haven't you come up?"
"Because that's not my last name," I say thinking it's obvious.
"I think you will find it is, unless you're not Remus's daughter?"
"I am."
"The your last name is Lupin-Black, follow me up please."

I do as the professor tells me, my last name isn't Lupin-Black I know it isn't bit I have no argument to convince her. I sit down on the stool and the sortoing hat is placed over my eyes.

"How very interesting, you're the first student I feel there would be cause to put you in every house simultaneously, but that unfortunately isn't an option, so which one suits you besy? Your parents were both in Gryffindor it would be an easy choice, you're certainly brave, willing to stand up for people, but you don't whole heartedly value it like Gryffindors. Possibly Ravenclaw, you're definitely a nerd, you even brought Muggle school supplies with you, how cute, but no Ravenclaw isn't right either. Possiblely Hufflepuff, loyalty is a key ideal to you and you're a hard worker, but then again, it just doesn't feel quite right. There's something deep down that catches my attention, but the way you can camelion, they way you can be the person needed for the situation, the way you can change sides so easily not necessarily for yourself but the situation, that to me is more cunning than anything, you'd do brilliantly in all the other houses but it would be too easy for you, to achieve your full potential you're going to need a challenge, therefore I'm going to put you in, SLYTHERIN."

I hear McGonagall audibly gasp next to me, I'm not sure if I've done something wrong or what there's not much to I can make out from a gasp. I take my seat at Slytherin table where I'm greeted by those sitting nearby, but their attention is quickly diverted back to the sorting. After god knows how longer, the sorting is complete Harry and Ron make it into Gryffindor, Harry having a stall (according to one of the older student on my table), each house gets quite a few new members, Draco didn't even have the hat on his head when the hat shouted "SLYTHERIN". Aside from Draco there is Crabbe and Goyle who I sear are anthropomorphic pigs, some more boys and some girls as well the ones being sat closest to me who introduced themselves were Pansy, Millicent and Daphne. When everybody was sorted a feast popped up out of no where, I'm going to have to get used to magic being in every nook and cranny. After the feast prefect lead us down many many stairs to a corridor that seems to just end no where.

"Pure-blood," the prefect said suddenly there was a door way for us, we all shuffled in after the prefect who gave us a very brief tour.
"This is Slytherin common room, outside those windows is the black lake, in that back corner is the entrance to the dormitories, your rooms have been assigned but feel free to switch, your luggage will already be in your room." He walked off leaving us stood aimlessly in the middle of the common room.

We all start heading to our dorms, when Draco shouts from behind me.

"Skyla can I talk to you real quick," he wasn't requesting.
"Sure Draco," I walk over to him.
"Never did I think you would be in Slytherin, but you are now so welcome, thanks for putting Potter in his place, I won't lie I was rude, but the Weasleys are blood traitors."
"You're welcome but I really have no idea what you're on about, I'm going to go to bed now, good night Draco."
"Good night Skyla."

I left Draco behind and headed up to my dorm, the girls I'd been sat with were already unpacking their cases, I figured that it was best I just get sleep for now, I just hoped my trunk was enchanted so no one but me could open it.

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