Chapter 18 - "Duel"

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After talking to McGonagall and Snape I finished my lessons for the day and decided to hang out with Draco in the common room.

"So you're telling me in the time I was gone you managed to challenge Potter to a duel?" I ask him.
"That's right," he confirms, "best part is I don't even plan on going, I told him to meet me at the third floor corridor, I'm just hoping Filch catches him."
"I wanna watch," I tell him.
"That will risk us getting told off too."
"Not if we're careful."
"Fine," he relents.

I smile in the excitement, we decide we should switch our uniform before heading out though into all black clothing so the green won't give us away. After we both change we head to the corridor and watch Harry, Ron and Hermione run away from Filch and his cat which I've learnt is called Mrs Norris, they head into a room at the back of the corridor after Hermione casts a spell. Draco and I chuckle as we watch them escape, and Filch leave them, until the three of them come running out of the room screaming. We wait for them to past us then burst out laughing, I was even struggling to breathe.

"Come on let's go see what scared them away," I say setting off from our hiding space.
"They looked pretty terrified I don't think we want to," Draco whimpers.
"Don't be a coward, come on Draco," calling him a coward encouraged him to follow me.

We get to the door and I cast the same spell I saw Hermione cast. We get in and pretty quickly we realise why they ran away. Turns out that there is aassive three headed dog hiding at Hogwarts.

"Oh my god it's adorable," I say to Draco.
"That's not cute." Draco steps behind me.
"My lord you're such a baby."
"Shut up," he snarls.

When the dog spots us we decide it's best to leave it alone and head out of the room and back to the common room. We make our way quickly and quietly back to the dungeons before crashing on the sofas in the lounge.

"I'm going to go call Nova I'll be back in a sec," I tell him before running to the nearest window and calling my owl.

I take Nova and go sit down next to Draco.

"She's beautiful," he tells me.
"I know, and a very good girl," I give her a snack and she hops onto the table.

I start writing a letter to my dad to let him know about the dog and making the Quidditch team. Draco occupies himself with stroking her.

"I'll be on the team next year," he declares.
"I think you'd be good but you're not nicking my spot."
"What's your price?"
"I haven't got one."
"Everyone has a price Sky."
"Not me."
"We'll make the best quidditch team in Hogwarts history I think," he smirks.
"I agree."

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