Chapter 10 - Food

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I wake up to hear girls giggling, dreading the did something to me in my sleep, they didn't as far as I can tell. I hear Pansy say something about Draco and I realise they are gossiping about boys.

"Good morning sleepy head," Daphne sing songs.

I am not a morning person, I try to go back to sleep but somebody throws a pillow at my head.

"Sorry but there's no time for sleeping in," Pansy tells me.
"Why not?"
"Because us three have decided that the four of us are going to get to know each other before breakfast," Pansy informs me.
"And I get no say?"

We all sit in a circle on the floor of our dorm each of us sat in front of our beds.

"I'll go first," Pansy declares (I can immediately tell she is a control freak), "My name is Pansy Parkinson, I am a pure blood and apart of the sacred twenty eight, I'm an only child and my favourite quidditch team is the Holyhead Harpies."
"I'm Daphne Greengrass, I am a pure blood and in the sacred twenty eight, I have a little sister called Astoria, and the Holyhead Harpies are my favourites too."
"I'm Millicent Bulstrode, I am a pure blood and similarly sacred twenty eight, I am an only child, and I prefer the Chudley Cannons."
"I'm Skyla, apparently my last name is Lupin-Black, but I've never heard that before until yesterday but Professor McGonnagal is convinced, I don't know, never heard it, I'm an only child, and what's quidditch?"
"I'm sorry what?" Pansy questions
"You don't know your blood status, you haven't heard of the sacred twenty eight, and you've never heard of quidditch."
"My dad was told I would be a squib," they all pull a face, "but I'm not, I'm here and he was keeping it all secret so it wouldn't effect me, I don't really understand his thinking but he tries my best, the sorting hat said both my parents were Gryffindors," faces are pulled again, "but that neither of my parents were muggles so I'm definitely at least a half blood, I think."
"So long as you're not a mud-blood we're all good," Pansy tells me.
"Oh no, we really need to get to breakfast, and Skyla needs to get dressed."
"Can't we just will our clothes to change?" I ask.
"We have so much to teach you," Millicent chuckles.

I walk over to my trunk were robes are laid out over the top of them. They are different to how they looked when I took them off, the embroidery is now all green and the crest has changed from that of Hogwarts to Slytherins crest.

"Are you sure we can't just will our clothes to change? That seems like a real magic thing."

I look over at my roommates who stare at me, then I look down at my drunk again and my pjs are neatly folded and I'm in my Slytherin robes.

"I knew you were messing with me," I chuckle, "come on lets go get breakfast."

They all continue to just stare at me.

"Guys come one we don't want to miss the food."

I head out of the dormitory, down the stairs and into the common room, Draco is sat on the sofa.

"Morning Sky."
"Morning Draco."
"I've decided I'm calling you Sky from now on."
"Why is that?"
"Because I want to."
"Okay... Me and the girls are heading to breakfast, do you wanna come?"

Draco gets off the sofa as the girls come down the stairs, I can't help feel like they were talking about me.

"Morning Draco," Pansy says to him.
"Mh huh," He hums disinterested.

I role my eyes I swear he's bipolar or something. Pansy looks visibly hurt by his apathy towards her, I bet she either has a crush on him or think he's be a good one to date for the looks of it, based off what little I saw of his dad, the Malfoy are really wealthy. We all head to the great hall in a huddle.

In the great hall we all grab breakfast, I have a full English letting myself indulge before the "magic" of tonnes of food wears off. Whilst eating our breakfasts, a man who I'm assuming is a Professor hands out our time tables whilst introducing himself as Professor Severus Snape - Head of Slytherin House. Before I can introduce myself he walks off, clearly disinterested in me, obviously specifically (he let everybody else introduce themselves).

"I wonder why he was so cold," I murmur to the others.
"Maybe it's because you're essentially a muggle, you know less than most mud-bloods," Millicent suggests.
"To be fair I did think my dad was pranking about magic, so I didn't really look into it all that deeply."
"Wait, you weren't joking in Madame Malkins when you said you were clueless?" Draco turns his head to me.
"Why would I need to tell jokes?"
"I don't know"

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