Chapter 6 - Stuff

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I'm not sure how long we'd been in Diagon Alley for by this point, I'd met several people, all very different in personality: Hagrid- friendly, Goblins- judgemental, Draco: tightly wound and Lucius: evil, maybe thats a bit harsh - manipulative and self serving. I once again find myself looking around aimlessly wondering where to go, there's so many choices and many more shops than we need to go in for my other stuff.

After getting the Cauldron, Crystal phials and Brass scales; we only had two shops left, Ollivanders and Eeylops Owl Emporium. We went into the Emporium first where I immeadiately set my heart on a beautiful midnight black owl who's only colour was their sparkly irises.

"Which one do you like pup?"
"The black one dad, the one right at the back, it's so cute."
"She is a beauty isn't she?" The shopkeeper says.
"We'll take her please," my dad steps towards the counter and I head over to her, I pick up her cage and walk over to my dad.
"She's been quite aggressive to everyone else who tried to buy her but she's being a real sweet heart for you, I think it might be fate," the shop keeper smiles and accepts the money from my dad before we head outside.
"Just Ollivanders left now pup and it's probably the most important shop, there you will get your wand and if you area carful enough with it it will be with you forever," I follow my dad to Ollivanders where we go inside.
"Ah Skyla," a man I'm assuming is Ollivanders says my name startling me.
"How do you know who I am?"
"I know who everybody is, I've sold nearly every single British witch and wizard their first one and I remember every single one, I sold your parent's theirs all those years ago."
"I'm not that old," my dad mumbles mildly annoyed.
"I guess I'm right in assuming you're here for your wand?"
"I am yes," suddenly I start feeling excited soon I'll be able to do magic too.

A little while later after many shattered vases and rouge wands escaping their shelves, Ollivander has an annoyed expression on his face, but more so out of confusion in hopes of finding me something rather than the shattered belongings (I'm guessing it's a quite common occurrence).

"I've been saving this wand for many years but I was never expecting to be offering it to anybody so soon; its cherry wood with a dragon's heartstring core, twelve and a half inches and its flexibility is brittle. Nobody has come in that I thought for a second would remotely fit this but I think it would be perfect for you," Ollivander handed me the wand and I knew instantly that this was the perfect wand for me.
"Yes this is certainly the right wand."

I was beaming massively, I was going to be able to do magic of all things.

Skyla: The Girl Who Knew Too Much (Year 1)Where stories live. Discover now