Chapter 3 - Pub

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My ceiling is bright white, the off white of most house walls has an unsettling effect on me. I keep staring at it hoping answers will come, they don't.

It has been a week since the shocking revelation that I'm a witch, I'm not entirely convinced yet, it could be some elaborate prank my dad has cooked up to keep me distracted for a while, the summer holidays are starting to get to me so this was probably something to distract my brain, like seriously I think it is getting out of hand now my dad is taking me shopping for school supplies today, FOR HOGWARTS!

After reading the equipment list I almost started laughing to myself it seemed ridiculous cauldrons, wands and other just as bizarre things. Late in the afternoon dad and I arrive in London and start making the treck through the shopping streets, to a small backstreet with a funny looking pub called the Leaky Cauldron.

We go in to a busy pub but they are all wearing funny clothes.

"Dad what are we doing here?" I look up at my dad, this prank is getting out of hand.
"Where getting your school supplies silly," he smiles.
"From a pub?"
"From Diagonal Alley."
"Where not going to some shady back street to get knock offs are we?"
"No silly it's completely safe follow me."

We walk out the back of the pub in to a bricked off court yard where all there is in sight is beer barrels. I look at my dad unconvinced, he walks over to the far side of the court yard and taps a brick on the wall soon the wall starts to fold back on itself (this is engineering genius). We walk through the newly made opening into a busy high street, filled with many, many, many shops, way too many for the back of a pub.

"Remus how lovely to see you, I never expected to see you here again," a stranger says to my dad, a very tall stranger.
"Ah Hagrid, it's good to see you, Sky got her letter last week so we're here for her school supplies," my dad says cheerily back.
"Oh hello Skyla, my name is Rubeus Hagrid Keeper of Keys and grounds at Hogwarts," he stoops ever so slightly trying to get more on my level.
"Nice to meet you Hagrid, I'm Skyla," I smile "Dad how many people do you have in on this prank."
She thinks this is a prank how in the dark has Remus kept her
"Hagrid you don't have to pretend like you don't think its a prank, I know my dad is messing with me, like the engineering in the brick wall behind us and the school letter, it's a lot of effort."
Oh no she really means it.
"Of course I do."

They are both staring at me at this point, I really don't know why I'm the freak here.

"Any Remus I best be off I have business to attend to."
"Of course don't let us keep you."

Hagrid hurries off into the high street.

"Pup do you still not believe me?"
"It's absurd Dad magic doesn't exist."

He rebuttles this my pulling a wand out of his pocket, flicking his wrist, and making the sweeping brush next to us swipe leaves from the ground into a dust pan sat beside it. I stare for a few seconds, this can't be real right? Surely not? But it is, the wand, the flick, the neatly cleaned pavement, and not a single string in sight.

Now I believe.

Skyla: The Girl Who Knew Too Much (Year 1)Where stories live. Discover now