Chapter 16 - Flying

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Today I'm really excited, we're having flying lessons today, I have no clue what I'm doing, I didn't even know flying was possible. I walk with Draco onto what looks like a massive grass field with seats all around the edge, and then  what do I find Gryffindor of all houses joining us on the pitch, I'm immediately in a bad mood.

"Sky, I can tell you're angry don't let them see you angry, don't let them know anything bothers you," Draco tells me.

I nod my head and we line up facing the Gryffindors, I don't know why I was expecting to be taught like to fly like superman rather than on a broomstick like a stereotypical witch. Madame Hooch spoke to use for a short while and explained how we could get our brooms into our hands from the floor, mine came straight into my hand, that I was very pleased about Harry and Draco caught theirs not long after, it felt like sweet justice when Ron's smacked him in the face, Draco and I both laugh. Hermione wasn't having any better luck herself hers was just tumbling about aimlessly on the floor.

Once we all get our brooms in hand Madame Hooch explains how for us to take off from the ground, when we're ready to go and all straddled Neville seems to take off from the ground without even trying, he raises higher and higher into the air clearly getting more and more scared as he continues to loose control. Madame Hooch initially tried to berate the boy into coming down (which obviously didn't work) and when he eventually fell down and injured himself, she rushed over to him to help.

"If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch," she threatens as she walks Neville back towards the castle in or to take him to the infirmary.

"Draco," he looks at me, "what's quidditch."
"It's a wizarding sport, I will explain it to you more later."

He seemed to be in a rush to get away but then I realised he was off to go pick up an object, I chase after him to see what it is.

"You see his face? Maybe if the fat man had given this a squeeze maybe the fat man would have remember to fall on his fat arse," Draco was holding an object but I had no clue what it was.

"Give it here Malfoy," Harry intervenes.

"No. I think I'll put it somewhere for Longbottom to find it, how about the roof?" Draco sets of flying on his broom, "what's the matter? A bit beyond your reach?"
"Harry no way," Hermione lectures, " you heard what Madame Hooch said. Besides you don't even know how to fly."

Harry ignores her and sets on flying.

"What. An. Idiot." Hermione says, I can't deny I chuckle a bit at her comment.
"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom," Harry threatens.
"Is that so?" Draco taunts him.

Harry goes for the Remeberall but Draco gets away from him by completing a full 360 on his broom. In the middle of them arguing I fly up in between them both hoping that they won't start a fist fight. Then Draco, like an idiot, throws Neville's rememberall, I chase after it in order to not let it smash (if Draco managed to break it he'll be in a lot more trouble), I fly past Harry almost knocking him of his broom but he manages to stay on luckily, I manage to catch it before it smashes into one of the tower windows. As I catch it I realise Professor McGonagall has been watching the whole thing, I awkwardly smile at her before making my way back down to the ground. I had a round of applause, Gryffindor was happy I'd helped one of them out and Slytherin probably just thought I looked cool (I don't really know).

"Give this back to Neville for me will you please," I hand the Rememberall over to Hermione who looks puzzled at the fact that I'm talking to her.
"Sure," she says politely.

I might not be Hermione's biggest fan in class but so far she seems good to those who she seems friends so I know she'll take care of it for Neville. I head back over to where Slytherin was gathered.

"Why'd you go catch it," Draco appears behind me.
"To save your sorry arse."
"I don't understand"
"If the thing breaks that's property damage and you'd be in a lot more trouble, plus Neville has been decent to me so far so I had no reason to let something bad happen to him, oh and showing Harry after him and Ron were mean to me was nice too."
"You're vindictive aren't you?"
"Only if you get on my bad side" I smile.
"Mr Potter, Miss Lupin-Black, follow me please." Oh no.

Harry and I follow Professor McGonagall down quite a few corridors until she stops outside of a classroom.
"Professor Quirrel, can I borrow Mr Wood please."
"S-s-s-ure," the Professor stutters.

A boy who I recognise as Oliver from the study group comes out of class, he gives me a nod in recognition then turns to McGonagall.

"Why did you want me?"
"I've found you a seeker," she points at Harry, "I saw him flying earlier, he's a natural with a broom, almost got knocked off by Skyla here and he was completely unphased, I think he'll be great in tight situations with the snitch."

After a brief conversation with the Gryffindors McGonagall instructs me to follow her to her office. I'm definitely in trouble.

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