Chapter 40 - Revision

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After breakfast I head to the library to get a head start on revision and to have a look into my muggle stuff. When I get to the library I find it quite full, other students must have had the came idea as me. I walk through the library trying to find a place to sit but no where seems big enough for all my things. As I'm walking I notice Cedric, I try to get his attention from a distance but he is too consumed in his work so I make my way over to him and he finally notices. I look at the section of desk he is using and I realise that he too has a lot of stuff. I motion to his quill and parchment and when he motions to let use it and I write to let him know I know somewhere better to work. He starts packing up immediately and I laugh at his urgency before being shushed. Cedric an I tart heading out of the library when Hermione comes up to us, I think she too couldn't find anywhere to sit. When we leave the library we are finally free to speak.

"Where are you guys going?" Hermione asks.
"Honestly I don't know Sky said she knows a place," Cedric tells her.
"It's one of the places Draco and I found whilst exploring," they both pull a face when I mention him.

We walk along many hallways until eventually we find a room hidden away and completely empty.

"Here we are," I declare as I step into the room.

I place my stuff on the floor and go to side down but I stop when Hermione speaks.

"There's no table," Hermione complains.
"There's no people," I point out.
"We can't do work sat on the floor," Hermione continues to complain.
"Maybe if we wish hard enough one will appear," I suggest, half joking half wishing I was right.
"Sky that's not how magic works," Cedric says before a table and three chairs appear in the middle of the room, "or maybe it is," he says confused about what just happened.

We all put our supplies on the the table and take a chair each. I spend a while revising for my exams while chatting before I decide to move onto my muggle books.
"What's that?" Cedric asks, a boy his age normally would have known, I give him a puzzled look until I remember how little wizards and witches actually know about muggles.
"They muggle school supplies," I tell him.
"Holy Cricket!" Hermione exclaims, "where did you get those from."
"Home," I tell her, " I'd already got my muggle school supplies before I got my Hogwarts letter."
"Oh wow you are a nerd," she laughs.
"Says you, you know more than most pure bloods," I counter.
"So muggles do exams too?" Cedric asks.
"Yeah we do GCSEs at the end of high school, the A-levels at the end of college," I explain briefly.
"You just said we," he tells me.
"What's your point?" I ask.
"You're a witch now whether or not grew up a muggle."
"I could be both."
"It doesn't work like that Sky, I wish it did," Hermione says sadly.
"I'm still going to do my GCSEs maybe even my A-levels but that may be pushing it," I tell them.
"But why?" They both say.
"Because the more qualifications I have the more job options I have the more opportunities I have to pay my dad back for everything we've done. I'm probably the biggest outlier Slytherin has ever seen, I'm not a pure blood, I'm not self righteous and I certainly didn't come from a wealthy family," I say realising that the sorting hat may have made a mistake.
"Well thats not true," Hermione corrects, "one of the most valued traits of Slytherin is ambition and it's needless to say that you have plenty. Also, when I got here I started researching famous wizarding families and there was a heavy focus on the sacred twenty-eight."
"I've heard of them," I say.
"The Blacks are one of them and nearly all of them were in Slytherin, if anything your probably one of the most perfect examples of a Slytherin."
"What have the Blacks got to do with anything?"
"Your last name is Lupin-Black."
"You're right, I never really thought about it, I only found that out when I came here and I'm still not entirely convinced and I still don't know why my dad has never told me that before."
Cedric starts talking for the first time in a short while,"I don't Sky but all families secrets just some are bigger than others."

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